Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Happy White Wednesday!

well, we are having another hotter than hot week on the prairie...
upper 90s until Thursday when a cold front is supposed to come in...
so here is some whites...
red, WHITE, and blue...
these are just starting to turn white and getting bigger every day...
they fill in the bottom of the kitchen windows...
white shed with tiger lilies getting ready to bloom...
and the back of my ice cream chair with shadows playing in the background...
hope you all have a great week and that it cools down for all of us soon...


  1. Great White Wednesday post. Your flowers are sooo pretty underneith your window:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. I love those flowers underneath your window! I love the song too. Very summery post and very pretty! Lots of hugs. FABBY

  3. I love YOUR whites-I suppose I could display some "tighty whities" on my post but SOMEONE might not have a sense of humor about it...even if it was accompanied by lots of giggles! xo Diana

  4. some serious flower envy going on here...
    sure hope we cool down a bit too so we can get something done, right now you can sit and swea... ummm glow, without doing a thing !


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!