Monday, June 6, 2011

I'm late! I'm late!

for my Love is... post!
almost forgot!
can't believe it's Monday again...
DH has been home 10 straight days and it's been wonderful having him under foot...
he goes back to work tomorrow and maybe I can get lined out again...

a good morning kiss just starts the day off right...
DH never leaves for work without one...
makes my day go better, for sure...
it's always the little things that matter most...

Joining Marydon for a Love Is love fest!
go check out this sweet lady...


  1. Yes, it is the little things that lift our spirits.
    I admire your header, with the birds and roses. Did you create that yourself? Someday I may "pretty up" my blog with a header like yours.

  2. OOO OOO OOO HOW I MISS those good morning kisses, and those good night back rubs....SOOOOO much...I have a little reminder over my bed that says ALWAYS kiss me good-night! :-) :-)'s a wonderful thing...yes?!

  3. What a blessing your hubby is to you! I am so glad that you had this 10 days with him reconnect and love on each other-even if it is just going to McD's for a 49cent cone! Love to you this sweet Monday-hope you are feeling well- xo Diana

  4. Love this Love is...You always post such wonderful smile happening things.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!