Monday, June 6, 2011

our last day of vacation...

we started out this morning planting a few more plants and I used my new kid's hoe on the weeds...
it worked great!
tiger lilies will be blooming by the end of the week...
peonies are looking a little scorched- 91 today and 96 tomorrow...
weird year...
got 3 lilies that have turned pink and should open by tomorrow...
the tomatoes are growing...
corn field behind us is shooting up, too...
day lilies and weeds...
before shot...
this was the last thing that was worked on before it got too hot out...
picking up all the weeds and sticks...
heading for inside and AC...
a little something I worked on today...
and DH helped...
went through the tub we found cleaning out the shed...
and this is what I am keeping...
shoe lasts...
kept 3, will sell 3 in my booth...
these are the child sizes...
00 is my favorite- it is so small...
and I used to collect vintage roosters that had issues...
some have been glued together...
but I love them anyway...
keeping 3 and selling 3...
aren't they cute?
and the wood box they are in says...
boot and shoe repair...
I have had this over 10 years now...
I couldn't let it go just yet...
maybe someday...
but not today...

called the doctor's office this morning and they finally called back after lunch...
they just called in another perscription and DH went to Paris to pick it up...
I took a nap and then got a shower...

we spent some afternoon time in the swing in the shade and then I made homemade pizza for the guys for supper...
just hanging out waiting for it to cool down just a tad so we can go out again...

sorry about not making my rounds...
but I have been living!
I have also had to share the pc with 2 guys...
everytime I get a moment to blog, one of them is on it...
it's been a challenge just to get my posts up...
I have been outside every chance I get...
and we have gotten so much done in the last 10 days...
we are so happy with it all...
and we have been enjoying our yard, our home and our time together...
thanks so much for all your comments and good cheers!
tomorrow we go back to "normal"...
I may have to let the laundry and dusting go so I can get caught up with all of you!
you are so worth the sacrifice!
see you all tomorrow!


  1. Even Working Vacations can be fun, and you usually have so much to show long after they end. :-) :-) Just like this post shows. Very much looks like a good investment of time and "off-work" days! (not going to work to stay home and work...!) pretty!!! :-) xoxo

  2. You know, Tete-the best thing about you NOT posting is that we know you are feeling well enough to be out there doing something! I am so happy for you! Those little shoe stays are amazing. I had two small ones I sent to my girlfriend that lives in MN because I knew she would love them.

    Have a wonderful night- it is very hot here too! xo Diana

  3. Your garden is looking so grand! I don't blame you for wanting to be out there and not in the house on the computer!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!