Thursday, June 16, 2011

my morning walk about...

well, the sun is up and the skies are clear here on the prairie this morning...
and there is a heavy dew on everything...
got my toes a little wet out here...
but the dew means the cicadas are silent...
and it was so peaceful with just the birds singing away...
and the sun kissed many things here and there...
did you know that if you want a fuller, bushier plant...
that between the 5th and 7th year you have to cut it all the way back to like 6 inchs high...
I did that after the 5th year...
it took all that was in me to cut it back...
I hated to lose the growth...
but it was so worth it...
and I sat on the bench out here for a bit...
while Bebe did his business...
and Boofy and Mr Wiggles kept me company...
looks like a scarecrow xray...
I sat here and prayed for my dad this morning...
this is my favorite shot today...
the lilies are just wonderful this year...
I'm not sure what we are going to be doing today...
maybe washing the kitchen and bedroom windows...
there's always weeding...
bought these seeds Sunday are the grocery store for 59 cents a pack...
not sure if they will come up or not...
there's globes, poppies, larkspur and statice...
some of my favorites...
put them in peat pots so I can just plant the whole thing without disturbing the roots if they do come up...
I did pick up 6 more glads last weekend that need to go in the ground...
these are yellow...
the pink ones have come up already...
so I'm hoping they bloom this year...

gardening is like your spiritual life...
what you do today will not be reaped right away...
you plant for the future...
do not expect to see immediate results from your Godly work...
and it needs to be tended to daily...
so the weeds never get a good footing...
and there are always weeds to pull...
plants to prune...
blooms to enjoy...
but they are fleeting...
and only there a moment...
you have to keep working to keep blooming...
and pull the weeds in your life that keep you from doing so...
make sure your roots are planted deep...
so when the storms come...
you bend...

thank you for all the prayers for my dad...
and for me...
it's going to be a great day...
enjoy every minute...


  1. Good Morning Tete! Your yard is so pretty...please send some sunshine's been so dark and gloomy for too long. Hugs to you! My best to your dad to get better.

  2. Tete, This is a really good post! You are a philosopher, and a good one at that. I enjoyed seeing your flowers. I have some annuals that re-seed prolifically: larkspur, cleome, nigella...if you want some seed this fall, let me know and I'll send you some.
    Hugs to you, Craig, and your dad,

  3. Beautiful post of your yard and surroundings. I just got home after working all day...well, I was home a bit ago but had unexpected company.

    Saying a prayer right now for your Dad and for you and your son and his job! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!