Wednesday, June 15, 2011

need your prayers...again...

got up this morning to a thunderstorm...
we got 1/2 an inch this morning...
so I worked on sorting and pricing again...
thought I would have another peaceful day...
Craig started off for work and was back home before I knew it...
the lady who has been "not" training him met him this morning and started in on so many things...
personal things...
and suggested that he would be fired anyway...
so he just turned around and walked out...
she has answered any questions that he has had with a smart aleck question in return...
and he has been getting annoyed with not knowing how to do certain things...
because she wouldn't show him...
but this morning she made a comment on how her 55 year old attitude was better than his 25 year old one...
and that he had been handed everything in life...
she doesn't even know anything about his life...
he is a college graduate because he worked for it...
he earned it...
I am so glad he walked out on her...
no one has the right to call someone names, assume they have it so easy, and threaten them with their job when their training isn't finished...
especially for minimum wage...
he just stood there and took it and then asked her if they were going to fire him...
and she wouldn't say...
just that her and the boss were going to reevaluate him...
nothing he did was ever right for her...
or fast enough...
shoot, speed comes with doing something more than a couple times...
so he just walked out...

and we spent the day together...
working and laughing and playing computer games...
we got so much done in such a little time frame...
so we goofed off a little before we started supper...
and we kind of dodged some nasty little storms this afternoon...
and then after supper and my shower...
my step mom called...

now here is where I need your prayers...
my dad is in the hospital again...
diarrhea for 6 weeks...
and the CT showed a blockage...
the gastric doctor wants a couple more tests and then they will decide what to do...
he is not in pain and his red and white blood count are normal...
he didn't know why it happened or if there is anything else wrong...
so I will keep you posted as I hear from my step mom...
sugar levels have been staying below and right at 200 ...
which is very good...
just remember him in prayer and my step mom for staying by his side...

you all have a good night and have a great day tomorrow...


  1. Hi Tete,
    Sorry to hear about your Dad! I will be saying prayers for his well being! And that woman is nuts! Sounds like not only does she have no personal skills, but no managerial skills as well! How are you doing? I miss you! Sorry I've not been around in awhile, I've been living, breathing, and sleeping this show that's happening next week! After all of the stress I was under moving out here, it is so nice to get excited over something again! Hope you are doing well!! hugs:)

  2. I went to bed before I saw this last night. You know that I will be praying for your Dad AND your step-mom...and, of course, for your son. What a crummy boss/trainer/idiot. I KNOW that your son did not have anything handed to him on a silver platter...cuz I know you protect your silver (bwhahahaha-sorry-couldn't resist the stupid joke). Sometimes you just have to stand up and do what you feel is right..and that is what he did. I am going to be praying that he finds a better job that pays where he is appreciated and respected. Amen!! xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!