Saturday, July 9, 2011

spoiled rotten babies...

you can see the humidity in the air tonight...
but the plants seem to like it...
at least these do...
sniffin' the air...
one of the neighbors' grill smells were in the air...
he thinks with his tummy, for sure...
doing good...
eating good and using the potty box...
and Katie after her bath...
she is the runt and a little slower than the others at doing things...
but she's learning...
and still has a loose stool, from the milk...
and changing her diet...
keeping them one more week until I can get her straightened out...
she lapped water for the first time yesterday...
mixing moist cat food with hard kitten and will slowly remove the soft food this next week...
they are all so small, so will be small cats...
their momma must have been so tiny...
they are about half the size of normal kittens their age...
Katie's a momma's girl, for sure and she knows her name...
and another photo of the pavers...
found them at a rummage sale and so I went into Home Depot and they have the same thing...
so we are thinking of getting more and doing the whole walk way...
we will need more when the new deck goes in, too...


  1. The Patio is looking great, what work to do on a Hot day!
    it is Hot here today, but the Humidity is suppose to hit us tomorrow, Tomorrow I have 3 Little Girls (My 2 Grands & their Cousin who is staying with them (her dad is in Afghanistan for a year, Marine) They are 4,6 & 8 & coming over to Bubbies for a craft day.... I am still cleaning & Organizing & getting lots of fun & kid friendly crafting supplies ready... Hope to Remember to take Photos!

  2. Your pavers look great, Tete! Love the babies too. They are just adorable. Thanks for taking good care of them.
    Blessings, Beth

  3. Yes, I do believe they are spoiled rotten babies. We've had mom cats who were not great moms, and should have had their babies taken.

    I have a huge cream colored cat who is nothing but a love bug, he will wrap around my leg, and 'bite' until I pick him up. He is an odd color and now we have 2 more just like him, lol.

  4. Fabulous pavers, Tete! Love how you've used them.

    Ohhhh, they are ADORABLE! Hope she gets better quickly. Don't you just love them?!

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. Love the kitten updates. Makes me want one, but Boots and Pinky probably think 2 is enough!

  6. Well, you already know I am loving your pavers..especially knowing you did the Happy Dance on them. Those kittens are just so stinking cute! Love that little fresh-washed one. Our last kitty always stayed kitten sized and her personality matched. She was a kitten for 11 years.

    It is getting ready to rain here..wind is coming up and soon we will be as humid as you are there-UGH- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!