Friday, July 8, 2011

weeding around the birdbath...

this morning, we were sitting on our butts...
but in a really good place in the shade...
with friends...
hoeing and pulling...
smelling the flowers...
taking pictures...
and I sat here and prayed this morning for all of you...
whatever you are dealing with today...
for an extra bit of joy to be sent your way...
and I thought about all the dreams we have and the plans...
for something better...
those things we long for that just make us smile...
and this thought came to me...
because God does everything BIG...
it's not too hard for Him...
weed out the problems...
the things that hold you back...
prune the best parts...
because it only makes it grow better...
sometimes, less is more...
and keep reaching in faith...
and leave your shadow behind so others will know that you were there...
be fruitful...
just smile...
when you are alone...
answering the phone...
walking down the street...
keep them guessing and give the neighbors something to talk about...
and keep dreaming...
don't forget the best part about blessings...
they are so much better when you share them with others...


  1. Tete, this was such an uplifting post.Thanks for the prayer. That is one of the neat things about blogging. We may never meet lots of our friends but we can always lift them up in prayer.

  2. Thank You Tete for Always thinking of everyone.... I know you are the one I Go To, After I Go to God!

    so you know, I was very productive today, went thru a ton of boxes, tossed a bunch & some Vintage items listed on Etsy....

    I am going to stay up a bit longer & organize, then off to sleep & Dream, then up in the morning to start all over again
    Lots of Love

  3. LOVE IT!...thanks for a bright and optimistic POST! I FINISHED painting...FINISHED... :-) so I am smiling...if the neighbors wonder....:-)...I shall be happy to post a sign in the front yard fo all to know!. Hugs to you Tete...I'm dreamin BIG! xo

  4. What a wonderful post...I wish I would of read that yesterday. It was one of those tough days, but your words lift my spririts dear friend, thank you!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!