Thursday, August 4, 2011


the blahs...
Plural form of blah. · (with the) A feeling of boredom and no motivation
it's the heat...
being stuck inside...
looking at 4 walls...
the heat is getting to so many...
it can cause so much stress physically but mentally, too...
fuses are shorter...
and just plain tired all the time...
little things become big things...
just hang on...
our heat wave is breaking here...
the next 10 days doesn't have a 90 or 100 degree day in it!
all 80s...
and some of the nights are down into the 60s...
so just hang on...

haven't been doing anything exciting here for sure...
housework, laundry, meals...
not one thing creative...
no rearranging...
not making anything...
no painting...
not even thrifting...
except at the grocery store...
the babies are still too young to be a lot of fun yet...
they sleep most of the time...
this one is cranky with an attitude...
we are going to have to put a warning label on her when she goes up for adoption...
this one is my problem child...
she's been sucking her own butt...
we have had many talks about that...
can't wait until she outgrows it...
until then, she is wearing a collar that she doesn't like...
and then there's Thumper...
all boy...
just sleeps and eats...
he was turned the other way and I didn't want to wake him up...
so no photos of him...

well, back to bed until the next feeding...


  1. I think your pic is the perfect picture of "Blah". The days have been very hot around here too. I hope this heat and humidity breaks soon. The kitties are precious. Blessings and I hope you get to enjoy the lower temps.

  2. I am glad your temps are breaking. And that the kitties are doing better.
    We had a rain shower this morning, the first since before the 4th of July.

  3. Are THESE the dog days of summer, I wonder? It is hot and blah here too. I am afraid to complain too much because we had a terrible long, cold winter and a cold, short, wet Spring. There's just no pleasing me, I guess. Maybe tomorrow will be better. If it makes you feel any better when I get home from work I don't get anything done! xo Diana

  4. Oh Sweetie...
    Look at these faces. I love each of them. They are so darn cute. What a good Momma you are. They are just thriving. Love the comment about the warning label for Tillie. How sweet is that.

    Stay inside where it is cool sweet one. I go to work sweaty and come home sweaty. I have no air in my vehicle. Our desert temps have been high along with 60 plus % humidity. Really high for the desert. I have been SO cranky.

    Hugs to you sweetie. Have a beautiful evening. Many hugs and much love to you from Phoenix, Sherry

  5. Love kittens! Hopefully the heat will break for you soon Tete.. it broke here last week for us in NJ..



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!