Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a cooler day...

everything is so stressed from the heat and lack of rain...
and some things are blooming anyway...
just not as brilliant as they could have been...
raking leaves and weeding have been put on hold for some time now...
watering and feeding the birds are more important...
our time outside has been minimal...
the best way to dead head this is to just shake it...
the spent blooms fall off easily...
half of the rose of sharon is stark...
it's getting pruned back this fall...
some of the pots didn't make it through the hot weather...
but some hung on...
and it sure looks like the beginning of fall here...
it will come early...
and the tomatoes are coming on...
5-8 more days and we can start cooking them down for the freezer...
we used to can tomatoes at home, but I like them better frozen...
it's just a good time to walk around and enjoy all the work of spring and summer...
there's time for a little breather...
before the next phase of the garden begins...
taking photos...
plotting beds for next year...
making lists of things to add...
the hoes haven't been out for awhile now...
but the rain seems to be coming in this weekend...
and that always brings the weeds as well as the blooms...
no lawn to mow this week...
we will start cleaning the beds out soon...
cutting things back...
putting things up...
prepping for fall decor...
and things that go bump in the night...
my favorite transformation...
when ghosties replace fairies and bats replace bees...
yeah, I'm ready for that...
by then the babies will be raised and up for adoption at the shelter...
there will be more time...

still no Robbie :(...
I just hope he is in someone's home...
safe and sound...
and that they take care of him...
I really don't mind someone else having him...
just wish I knew he was ok...
God watches over all of them...
and He knows where he is...
just trusting in Him to take care of Robbie...
we are not the only loving home...
and there are others who may need him more...
because nothing never really belongs to us...
it all belongs to HIM...
He just loans it to us for awhile and can take it back at anytime...
sometimes we are blessed to keep things for a lifetime...
sometimes a season...
and sometimes just a day...
but no matter how long the blessing...
we need to appreaciate it while it's here...
there may not be tomorrow...
Georgie's passing opened the door to Robbie...
and if Robbie doesn't find his way home...
that will open the door to someone new...
I don't know who will need us next...
but they always find their way here...
trusting today...
we have to...


  1. Isn't that the truth, Tete? Nothing ever really belongs to us, does it? We are only loaned things to use..and sometimes that means children and pets...they are just gifts from God.

    It is hot here still and I can't believe that it is August already. I love Fall, too, it is my favorite season but I just somehow feel like Summer bypassed me without a nod...and here it is August!

    Hope your Robbie is somewhere safe and cool. Bless you- xo Diana

  2. Well I am sorry you are still having to worry about Robbie.

    I hope we get rain sometime soon! Yes, it has that feeling of fall even though it is hot. the stores are putting out the Halloween stuff, I cant believe it!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!