Saturday, August 6, 2011

some brown, some pink and a little bit of rain...

in the wee morning hours...
the guys slept in and I and the babies got down to business...
then I went out with the camera...
you can really see the dead grass here...
called mower guy this morning and told him not to bother with us this week...
and it was hazy...
but the clouds overhead had a pink cast to them...
just dotted around...
here and there...
like cotton candy...
and the guys missed the whole thing...
everything is turning brown...
and the haze lingers long in the mornings...
so I went back to bed...
and when I got up...
the guys were busy cleaning...
and it had rained .10...
so we went out to play just a bit...
moving things around for fall...
and we all know it's coming...
I think my blahs are from things becoming stale...
a little change always perks me up...
and I'm in limbo here until the new deck and roof are done...
and who knows when that's going to happen...
waiting and waiting...
I am so ready...
I have never liked anything being permanent...
I like to change it up all the time...
move things around...
and the peeling paint on the deck is starting to get to me...
at first it was cool and fun...
now it just looks dirty to me...
if I had known it was going to take this long...
it would have gotten a coat of cheap paint this spring...
and the lack of rain has everything looking tired...
but, just a few minutes ago, we got a downpour...
didn't last long, but it's more than we have had in over a month...
I miss storms...
I have so missed the rain...
and I so love the peace a cloudy day brings...
hope all of you are taking the time to really enjoy these last few weeks of summer...
before school starts back up...
before the sweaters come out...
before the lightening bugs go back to sleep...
because, around here...
fall just goes way too fast...
and it's my favorite time of the year...
and it will be over in the blink of an eye...
and we all know what comes after that...
not even going to say it...
grab your flipflops, sunglasses and go get an ice cream cone...


  1. Lovely photos! How are you? It has been a while. I wish I had a magic way to get to every single blog I love to follow each day! But when I stop by I do try to go thru several of your posts. Thanks for the nice comments, my son is a history/journalism major. He has a double degree and it took him an extra year! whew! Our middle girl is a Literature major! She is so opposite him but so funny just like him too! I hope your re well. Always enjoy knowing you! Take care! Love Anne

  2. Love your fluffy cotton candy clouds.It rained so hard here I was tempted to get out the snorkel masks but we have needed it desperately.
    I'm like you holding on to summer but also looking forward to the cooler days of fall. We won't talk about that word that comes after fall :(

  3. Those clouds are beautiful, Tete. I love that you have started changing things up again. I hope you do get your new deck in time for Fall, but barring that, I hope you have it for Spring and we are not even gonna talk about the time in between except to say Merry Christmas!;>)

    I got oyt of work and picked two of the girls up on the way home, Ria & SweetCheeks. SC immediately went down the lane to get the little boy and his sister that live 2 houses away. We had the kiddy pool and slide set up and they played on that thing for 3 hours and ran through the sprinkler. SCheeks keeps eveyone organized into some game. Today they were spies. How does she even KNOW about spies? We just came in because there is a huge thunderstorm coming in from the west...big boomers already~

    Hope your night is wonderful. xo Diana

  4. Lovely photos, as usual. I like the peeling paint look on other's stuff, but my 'porch' just looks dirty.
    School starts here on the 15th, and then I may get some things done, grandkids have kept me busy all summer.

  5. Good Morning Sweet Tete...
    Beautiful pinks this morning. I love watching over the clouds here in the valley. Yours truly do appear to be cotton candy. (Don't you just love that stuff?)

    I love that pink gazing ball as well. How pretty it looks on that gorgeous table. Love that table, and the weathered look of your porch, sweetie folks pay BIG money for that look. I love it.

    I too am trying to hang on to the green grass. The heat has truly been unbearable. Enough to make one quite irritable.

    Thank you for sharing sweetie. Hope those babies aren't playing you out to much. Just one can be a handful, so I can't even imagine triplets. Ouch.

    Many hugs to you sweet friend, and SO much love, Sherry


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!