Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday morning...

my potting bench is becoming a kitty condo...
we are on our last day of heat...
in just a few short hours...
it's all going to change...
a robin's nest fell out of the tree last week when we had wind...
my pink dotted plant that I fell in love with comes with purple blooms...
it was a nice surprise...
mums are budding over here...
the other 2 have already begun blooming...
can you not look at these and not smile...
me either...
and now, just for fun...
worked on my playlist last night...
needed something to work by...
something perky...
toe tappin'...
to make a positive atmosphere...
but I am also taking requests...
just leave a comment and maybe the next time you visit...
your favorite song just might be playing...
I can only leave comments now on those of you who have a pop out comment thingy...
just because I can't leave you a comment doesn't mean I'm not keeping my eye on you...
hopefully, blogger will get it together and it will all work...
until then...


  1. Good Morning Tete Sweetie...
    Oh my goodness I am so tapping my toes this morning. Love that Rock and Roll.

    Now I have got to tell you I love this photo of the kitties playing on your table. The one looking around appears to be telling the one underneath, "Hey can't a fella get a few Sunday shut eyes around here?" I love it. So cute.

    I didn't know that the polka dotted plant blooms? Oh you lucky ducky you. You must have one heck of a green thumb.

    Love all the blooms. Everything looks so beautiful this gorgeous Sunday morning Tete. Thank you for sharing with me.

    For my next visit? I am thinking we should go Surfin with the Beach Boys. Let's do something at the ocean. Love those Beach Boys. Have a gorgeous day sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Happy Sunday to you Tete...I love the kitty they pay rent? LOL!
    Your blooms are beautiful and I do love Mr. Seger..and all the other songs you have on your playlist. Brings me back to the good day's of youth..oh I miss those days...

  3. Hello Tete-

    I just dropped the little darlings off and headed here! Your flowers are beautiful and I LOVE your cat condo. You can't take it away from them now!!!

    It is hot and muggy here today and supposed to rain later. I hope your Sunday is a wonderful one! xo Diana

  4. What a gorgous picture of the sunshine through that bloom!!
    Hope you've had a blessed Sunday. The Kitty Condo looks about full, you may have to build another one, for the little ones.

  5. Enjoyed your post and that is one of my favorite tunes..makes me want to get up and dance


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!