Monday, October 17, 2011

just waiting around...

for the furnace guy to come...
we have a cloudy day and the flash kept going off...
but look at all the bugs busy in the mums...
I love mums...
so cloudy...
have rain coming in tonight...
got the yard mowed yesterday...
and a hawk...
we have many of these around...
and owls...
you can see them sitting on the poles going down the highways...
and country roads...

we had 77 yesterday but the nights are cooling off a bit...
we are supposed to get down a little below 40 the next few nights...
the house stays warm...
from cooking and the guys talking all the time...
there's a lot of hot air there to harness...

hope the furnace guy is kind...
but whatever the outcome...
at least it didn't go down when it was below 0 outside...
this is the best possible time for it to not function...
yeah, He's watching out for us...

have a great day!


  1. I hope your furnace repair isn't too expensive! That is always something extra that you don't plan on!

    Love your photos. I see your leaves have left...bwahahaha...and that it is looking like Fall there too.

    Snow will be upon us long before we are ready I'm afraid. xo Diana

  2. I love mums too, they are so cheerful! LAUGHED about your hot air and guys talking comment! hahahah...hope your furnace gets fixed! I lost my dryer that was here after only 2 loads. so off to get a new one...gave our set to Katie and Jonny back in Charlotte in their apt. when we left...since this house was leaving the frig, washer and dryer. hope the washer hangs on for a while!!! Hugs to you Tete!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!