Sunday, October 16, 2011

santa images...

well, you know it's coming...
and for those who like to play around...
it's time to gather images...
and begin to put things together...
so the bling is ready...
take what you want...
and have fun...


  1. LOVE the old world images Tete...My feeds are not updating and weren't for months before I moved here. I tried deleting and re-setting up the feeds the correct way but they still wouldn't update (bold highlight) when a new post was created. Do you know of a way I can get them to update??? THANKS! xo Julie

  2. Hi Tete Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share. Yes it is time to be thinking about these images it will be here before we know it. Where has the time gone?
    This year has certainly flown by.

    I hope you are having a restful Sunday. Did you get out for an ice cream today? Every time I have a cone (soft serve) I think of you. I still hope some day that we can sit outdoors and share love, laughter and friendship.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Oh Tete, I Love the Old Santa's.... it will be here before we know it!
    I have a background question for you, I added one today and it is not completed at the sides up by the header, any ideas? I also like the over all pattern that you have instead of the borders, what is that called?
    Have a good one & stay warm, it is COLD here...

  4. Hey Tete~ Wonderful images. Come Christmas I will show you one of the ones that I painted from that 3rd image that you posted. My colors are deeper but I used this as a starting point.

    Ummmm...what no TURKEY pictures?;>) xo Diana

  5. Oh Tete, These are gorgeous! Guess what I was doing this morning? Making my Christmas projects for Dezinaworld! 2 left to go! lol

    You are so generous--with such a special heart.

  6. You're rushing the seasons on me, I've barely gotten Fall started! I love the third one. He has a great tree that he's carrying.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!