Tuesday, April 24, 2012

the battle is not yours...

The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent. 
Exodus 14:14

well, if that doesn't make you stop and think today...
are you ever led to things that just smack you upside of the head?
this is one of mine...
God has my back...
I have nothing to fear...


  1. And as a Marine Mama where the words "Got your back" are weighty....I say RAH! girl. Yes God has us...coming and going. To know this, and to BELIEVE it with everything inside yourself....without seeing what, or how or when...that FAITH is definitely only coming from one source...a gift given by God. and I for one am thankful for the measure of Faith HE continues to give to me and grow in me. It is priceless. amen. **Hugs and love to you Tete.** (ps- I have a devotional printed out and stuck in my bible on that OT story with that Scripture where the king was being informed to stand still and watch. It is such an INTENSE story of God's power - to do the impossible, the unexpected, and for me - it shows that He DELIGHTS in letting the underdog win, just to let all know and see that those who honor Him and believe... GOD gives the victory and HE gets the glory for it. RAH! :-)
    Have a great day!

  2. Amen! Oh boy, how hard it is for us
    to walk this out. To know that God is in control and the victory is ours if we just have faith and let Him do it! I fail at that way to often and like you..... the Lord has to hit me up side the head....lol... love that! Love the promises from the word. Blessings!

  3. Hey sweets....boy did I need to read that scripture this morning.

    Bless you...xoRebecca

  4. Isn't it great to know this? He knows our needs even before we speak them.
    Have a great day!

  5. Not only am I led to do things that smack me upside the head, sometimes I am led to do things that really kick my butt...and that's a lot of kicking to do.

    You are so wise, Tete, and I can always count on you for a scripture or word of advice that I know is God inspired. Love you, my friend- xo Diana

  6. beautiful post

    {the white chair}

  7. Amen sweetie, why in the world do we carry our burdens when all we have to do is lay 'em at the feet of Jesus!

    Have a wonderfully blessed day sweetie!!! :o)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!