Monday, April 23, 2012

more blooms...

Craig picked up a couple bags of this yesterday at Walmart...
he picked the color because of the name...
Black Pearl...
knowing I am a Johnny Depp fan...
I was wanting a chocolate brown color, but this may be better...
its going in the island...

and this morning a few of my iris opened...
still chilly out there and no big warm up until next Sunday...

potential color explosion...

columbine are thriving...

we are going to thin this bed out next weekend...

move a few things out to make room for some new things coming in...

the dusty miller is  doing much better after being pinched back last week...

just pretty...

Craig also picked up a couple quarts of bidens...
they are on sale this week at Walmart in our area...
$3.68 a container...

and as pretty as they are...

they look nothing like the ad...

yeah- that doesn't happen at our Walmart at all...

and my new kid's shovel from True Value last week...
I gave DH strict instructions that he is not to use it- ever!
I used it Saturday to transplant the dianthus and it even works great on dandy lions...
the size is just right for smaller jobs and no back strain...
get you one...
you will not be sorry...

yesterday was spent with cold meds and naps...
ear aches and the kleenex box...
but a day down and medicated made a big difference...
feeling much better today...
now if the weather will just warm up a tad so I can play outside...
I will be a happy camper...
left over taco stuff for lunch and a few more little things to get done and that should complete my day...
one walk in and waiting for a few more hours of sunshine to see if it warms up a bit more...
other bowling ball is washed and waiting on it to dry to paint it white...
Doug should be here tomorrow to do the island...
I want it weeded completely...
put damp newspapers down to stop weed growth...
then the mulch...
put everything back in and see what it looks like...
wash and paint some more pots...
general clean up and weeding...
pitching things I am NOT going to use again...
not a big list and with 3 sets of hands, should be done quickly...
we are so in a place where its still too early to do some things...
and the plants just aren't ready yet...
checked out the green house south of town Friday and they aren't even open yet...
he said 2 more weeks in the green house will make such a huge difference in the plants and I know this from past years...
still itching to plant...
to get it done...
just need to slow down and take my time...

well, have a great Monday!
love you guys!


  1. Hi Tete! You are a creative and energetic garden designer. I am amazed at how much you are able to accomplish. Glad your guys lend a hand. Hey, send them over when they have a break, ok? lol
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Hi Tete, I think you should be up for the Greenest Thumb award ~ nothing is blooming like that around here, yet the lilacs have bloomed a month early... the only things are the spring bulb plants, but it is still cold, had several frost warnings..... can't wait to see the photos of the finished island ~ don't work too hard, make sure you rest & get totally better~

  3. You have been a busy girl. I am sorry that you had a down day yesterday but it is all the better if you feel renewed today! I gotta tell you that I love the idea of that Black Pearl in your garden. I think it will look great.

    Nothing really blooming here yet. I am going to send you some of those yellow iris tubers as soon as I know just which ones they are. I suppose I do that after they quit blooming and die back this Fall?

    Hope you have a great Monday! xo Diana

  4. My iris didn't do that great this year, so I'm glad yours have done well.
    Send the boys down here to do some work, when they are through there.

  5. Your flowers look so pretty. I have never seen bidens.
    We are expecting frost and a possible freeze tonight so I have been covering plants and moving pots to the garage,ugh!

  6. so much~ so much run circles around me...yes the temps are still dropping in the 30's... so holding baaaaacccckkk...on those window box flowers and some hanging ferns. sigh...I will miss my dusty millers and lamb's ear here, but there are other pretty things to take their place and I can certainly plant some if it will EVER warm up!!! we can thank our lucky stars we aren't over on the east coast where they are getting snow predictions!!! argh!
    Hugs to you Tete! (** black pearl xxoo ps thanks for your offer to help me...if I need it I KNOW where to come. :-)

  7. Hi Tete, whew...I got tired just reading the "to do's". Everything is looking great. I love your iris. Ours got dug and thrown away by the pool! Is that peonies I see ready to pop open? Peonies are so gorgeous. Hope you are feeling better today. Sun is shining here today and I am heading outside to work but it's still a bit chilly. xo

  8. wow I'm impressed....everything looks beautiful. Things are definately slower to bloom around here. You have done a beautiful job!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!