Thursday, April 19, 2012

just another day in the sunshine...

we have had 2 warm days in the 70s, but back to the 60s tomorrow...

I love this little rose...

the columbine are in full bloom now...

I guess today's post is all about the pinks...

the little pansies I planted yesterday...

got a couple of "new" things in here...

been trying to get some things painted today...
love this color, so called and ordered 5 more cans...
Krylon- celery...
the base needs another shot but the can went empty on us...

I am going to move some of these into pots...

I am thinking wave petunias in here...
white and pink...
maybe purple...

not as sore as the last 2 days, but still tired...
thought we would have a do nothing day, but one thing led to another and another and another...
until we had some things done again...
made meat loaf, baked potatoes and corn on the cob for supper...
it was really good...
got taco meat ready for later...
need to really clean inside in the morning...
and another load of laundry...

Craig's off to a friend's house...
so its just me and DH with all the critters...


  1. Hello Tete,
    Your rose is gorgeous - I love the Columbine - they seem like little fairies dancing in the garden. It is so nice to have a mild spring this year - we just got some much needed rain. Your day sounds very similar to mine. Just waiting for Dearest to come home from a meeting to enjoy the evening together - I hope you have a blessed weekend,

  2. Hi Tete, Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. You really do have a very nice garden. Love how you've incorporated garden art. You are a very creative soul. The pink rose is so very pretty, too!
    Hugs, Beth

  3. Oh-It's looking good, Tete! I can see that you have got a LOT done today! WOW! It is cold and rainy here today. We are supposed to drive North tomorrow for the weekend and they are saying snow for that area. I can't believe it. We have been trying to get away since last October. UGH!

    I got nothing done today...I had SweetCheeks after school. Well, I did add to my SweetCheeks story repertoire so all is not lost!

    Have a great night- xo Diana

  4. Hi Tete, I think I live my outdoor life thru YOU... I always enjoy the flowers & greenery, I saw in the last post you talked about moving the ferns, do they transplant easily? also, when are you starting the deck area? can't wait for more photos ~ have a wonderful weekend

  5. Your yard is a garden of eye pretty Tete...what a blessing, and you know that in order to have the beauty and enjoy the garden, you had to labor HARD!!! Inspiration always abounding here. Hugs to you. I love your flowers. :-)

  6. I'm jealous of all your pretty flowers! It's finally nice and warm here today but I'm too sick to enjoy it :-(

  7. Tete, I want to come over and play in your yard, it's so pretty. So glad your men folk help out. Many hands make light work :):)Smiles, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!