Wednesday, April 18, 2012

lots going on around here today...

wanted to show you the dusty millers after I topped them yesterday afternoon...
took off half of all the plants and still have enough...
they were laying down and shooting out shoots...
so its a long time before fall and by topping them or pinching them back...
they will bush more now...

Doug showed up early...
got me out of bed and as soon as I woke up and got dressed...
we hit it...
he scrubbed up all the pots while Craig rinsed them this afternoon...

sent Craig around to take some photos of this morning's efforts...
this was all cleared out...
mower started for the first time and Doug trimmed the south yard...
they dug up the places for the tomatoes later...

and Craig moved some ferns from the north side of the house to get them out of the way for the deck...
I think we might want to move a few more...
there is enough room to get the push mower in and around the tomatoes...
just a lot of cleaning up and getting ready...
there was just no time to get photos this morning...
we just hopped from one thing to the next...
only one short walk in today...
did lunch...
the guys had pizza burgers and curly fries from the White House Cafe...
they didn't have any fish, so I just did my lunch from out of the fridge...
then we went back out and washed pots and I planted a few little ones with pansies...

I am so pupt, I don't know my butt from a hole in the ground right now...
but it is so good to get things done..
we have had to help Doug out a bunch this year already...
and he is not able to pay us back...
so I told him he could come one day a week and help around here for a couple months...
I need to make a list for next week...
and there is a list still to do, that's for sure...

going to get started painting the rest of the pots...
we got the paint for plastic, and they are going white...
started an old bird cage in a light green, but it will need a few more coats...

its happening...
but I so need a nap now...


  1. You had a very busy day, Tete...but a good day. I love it when you can look at the end of the day and know that you have accomplished something.

    It is pouring rain here right now and the wind is whipping everything around. We do need the rain...but I need the sun.

    That is a good thing to work out with Doug. It will make him feel good about being able to pay you back and you feel like you have not just lost your money with no way to recoup it. A perfect solution.

    Love to you- xo Diana

  2. sleep tight...always good sleep after working in the yard!

  3. The Queen Bee and her workers are Busy Busy!! Is their a lot of buzzing and humming going on out there?? I think I can hear it! It's all gonna look out of this world. ~ Ya'll are good parents. It is a pleasure to help out our "kids" no matter what age. They are treasures. As long as they don't take it for granted... and have grateful hearts it sure gives joy doesn't it? Hugs to you Tete. Your ferns look like mine. I can't believe how tall they have gotten. Never had any like this.
    Have a great day. get rest. :-) Keep on hummin' xoxo

  4. I always love your pictures, and those chairs are beautiful. Wish I had some of that talent, you do such a good decorating your outdoor area.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!