Saturday, April 14, 2012

rain is coming...

there was a bit of sun early this morning...
but that all changed and the rest of the day was cloud covered...

on our first walk this morning...
we ended up talking to all but 2 of our neighbors...

it took us 2 hours to go a block and back...
it was sunny when we started out...

but with the clouds moving in, it soon became chilly...
and I was a bit cold when we got back...

it was good seeing everyone and getting caught up...
we even ran into an old neighbor...

he has moved to his parents farmhouse...
and his son now lives in his...

so some things that I had planned on doing...
didn't get done...
but there's always the weekend to get to those things...
DH is working today...
so, it will feel like a Friday anyway...

Craig's friend Chris was here...
and we ate fish dinners from the cafe...
well...on my way to bed for the second time...


  1. What a great walk, when you have great neighbors. It would be nice make that walk around a neighborhood.

    My seed have sprouted, so I'm waiting for a place to put the seedlings and watch them flower.

  2. your clematis is gorgeous. Raining here...think i will work on genealogy stuff today.

  3. Your clematis are just astounding! Love that I was greeted with "I can only imagine" when I opened your blog. Think about it - standing before Jesus - how filled with wonder and awe I will be! Wow! Have a nice wknd, Tete.

  4. Two hours to go a block and back. LOL...That's how you know Winter is over and Spring has sprung. Nobody goes out in the winter and stays out...TOO cold.. Good for you for walking. Some walks are all about that, and not the exercise. Relationships. They take time...and people Making time. Rah Love your Clematis ~left one like that wrapping around my mailbox back in Charlotte. Hugs to you Tete and have a super weekend! xoxo

  5. What gorgeous flowers, Tete. We are heading in a week of 80s ... can hardly wait. Off to kid-lings bday party now.

    Happy spring weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  6. Isn't that a wonderful part of the walk? Talking to your neighbors and getting to know them all over again after a winter's hiatus. I am sorry the hubby had to work. I know you enjoy your time when he is home. Blessings to you my friend. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!