Saturday, April 14, 2012

we've got our rain...

so we played inside most of the day...
re did the mantle...

easter stuff gone...

spring stuff still out...

the new sign on the right was a gift from one of my sisters for easter...
isn't it cool?

and we have our green back...

and these, too...

almost everything did just fine with 2 nights of freezing temps...
mostly we have problems with the walnuts...
the "late" bloomers...
and now I know why they wait to come out...



I love the grass when its this green...

and I love reflections in mud puddles...

Mr Wiggles and Tory went for our walk with us this morning...
in between the showers...

knock out rose...

but today I will have to be happy with the blooms indoors...
no walk for awhile, still coming down...
but we might take a drive just to get out a bit...

have a great night...


  1. It is looking beautiful at your house, Tete. I love how green your lawn is..and your kitties in the mix. Like your sign!;>)

    Just wondering what happened with your new deck?? Have a good evening and a drive in the rain might be nice! xo Diana

  2. Hi Tete...whew it's good to be back. I missed you too. Your blog looks beautiful. Can you send some rain our way? We need it bad. Everything looks lovely.
    P.s. got my camera software loaded...thank you! I'll take pictures soon. Finally getting back to normal around here. We have guests this weekend, too Woo Hoo!!!

  3. I love your Easter gift! Your mantle looks so pretty...I am glad that your showing us the inside of your home again!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!