Thursday, April 26, 2012

still no water...

the lilies are heading...
it seems like the season is moving along so fast here this year...

the clematis are almost done...

this is what's left of most of the blooms...

just a few more flowers to enjoy...
but fear not...
this crazy thing blooms twice for me...
so later on the summer...
she will do it again...

our rose of sharon looks really good compared to the neighbors'...
theirs looks dead, nipped by 2 nights of freezing temps...

I only have one bunch this color...
but I will be looking for more...

this is so shaded now...
it will feel so cool when those summer days come along...

still can't get over how these made it through the winter...

now, someone has been demanding my attention...
he is so bored with the flowers...

he is a true momma's boy...

I think this is the best shot I have ever gotten of him...

and he had to show off a little when I promised to blog him if he would smile for the camera...

but instead of smiling, he wanted to creep for you...

are you watching me?
did you get the shot?
blog me! blog me!
he is such a ham...
I read him the comments you leave...
he lives for those moments on mom's lap...

still no water...
they thought they would have it back on by noon...
but they still have the back hoe out there and they are still digging...
Craig ran up and bought 4 gallons of water...
the toilet needs flushed- I didn't make it to the field...
I do not have a thunder pot under the bed, but a call to my best friend could get me one...
could use one of my buckets, but hate to throw one of them away...
I told Craig he could use the litter box, since he's the one who cleans it out...
my hair so needs washed...
first thing I am doing after I flush the toilet is hop in the shower...

we did vacuum and dust...
swept the kitchen floor...
had hamburgers and chips on paper plates for lunch...
made the hamburger with rubber gloves on and just threw them away...
got in a couple walks...
played on DH's laptop...
set up my own account on there, I did...
hee hee...
caught some rays in the sun...
couldn't stay out there too long, was just itching to do something out there...
being without water is a royal pain...
but I can live without water a lot better than I can live without the internet...
this I know...

well, I'll be...
water  just shot through to the ice maker...
got to go...
a toilet needs flushed...


  1. What a day you've had! Glad for our city maintenance workers and others who serve us. Bebe is just adorable, and I love your dianthus!

  2. No water my goodness! Bebe sure is showing off!!

  3. you sure have a lot blooming ~ looking so pretty! xoxo, tracie

  4. ps - wanted to let you know that Fishtail Cottage's garden party starts back up next Thursday (May 3rd)....can't wait to see what you are sharing! xoox, tracie

  5. WATER, what a blessing that must be at this moment.
    Bebe is such a ham, I can see that in her 'attitude'.
    Flowers are beautiful, my clematis is that same color and bloomed out beautifully. I have another, red one, that blooms a bit later. And a darker lavender one that will bloom later, also. They are all intertwined on the same trellis.

  6. Yay!!Sounds like you have water!
    Glad you didn't have to use that "thunder bucket".
    Your flowers are amazing, Tete!
    We have nothing up here yet, except for Dogwood blossoms.
    Enjoy your shower, and the toilet, and the sink, and the hose, and the ice maker, etc.
    Have a wonderful, wet day!!!

  7. H2O - what a blessing is in those 3 don't know how BADLY you need and WANT it for so many things....until you don't have it!!!
    I am glad to know you have it back. What a thrill to hear that water going into the frig line, yes??!! rah! Bebe is definitely a mama's boy. And I can tell he loves you. Tell him I said he is a lucky dawg to have you for his mama. The little scruffy dog behind me is locked in the garage and howling and yowling (while the guy is at work.) I want to go and let him out SO bad...breaks my heart. lonely life for that little one. Hugs to you Tete!!! Have a good one and enjoy that hot shower! ;-) xoxo ps the flowers are prettier and prettier....


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!