Friday, May 4, 2012

gardening, rummaging and painting day...

even the weeds are blooming here...
dumped this and will be using it to haul around the garden tools...

dutch iris are beginning to bloom..
new bulbs planted last fall...
so far- white, yellow and blue, from what I can tell...

this is new...
must have been in the bunch of bulbs we got..
or the squirrels have been busy...

daisies are up and going strong...

iris in the island are blooming, too...

got those plants from last weekend in the ground today...

Craig got up and headed out early to the rummage sales...
2 croquet sets, complete, one very vintage...
$5 each...
his goal this morning was to get one, but when they were $5, he grabbed them both...
the newer one is getting painted fun colors...
the vintage one won't be touched...

another new member of one of the front beds...

and he snagged these older, beat up tables...
$1 each...
he cut half of the legs off of one and is going to sand and paint them...
then stack them in a corner of the living room for his laptop central...

sent him to the lumber yard for a new nozzle for the hose...
saw them on sale in their ad and they had this paint that I had wanted but had been back ordered...
purple for sure...
the name is gumdrop...
I love it...
getting more of this...

well, its been a so-so day...
started out raining and then it cleared off and we have more storms coming in later...
so stiff and sore, I can't move very well at all or much...
the PT is working and as soon as I work through this, I will be in better shape...
its just the between now and then that's the pits...

DH and I got all the way to the parking lot yesterday of the drs office and I was too exhausted to make it in there...
fibro flair for real...
and I should never have even headed that way...
but I tried...
and then couldn't do it...
the worst part is that the ENT doctor is only there once a month, so I have to wait another month before I can get in...

besides the extreme fatigue and muscle spasms, I am hanging in there...
praying away the pain and waiting for better days...
moving slowly and letting the guys do 95% of the work...

some days I can almost forget that I have this stuff now...
and then there are days when I am very aware...
but, the best part is...
these flairs are getting fewer and farther apart...
that I do have more good days than bad now...
and the good days will return...
and I will be ready...

hope you all have a great weekend and can do something really fun with family or friends...
some quiet time and much prayer for those around you...

well, the fish dinners just walked in the door...
I am going to stuff my face...


  1. Oh Tete...I am so sorry that you are struggling yet again with health issues.
    It looks like things are getting accomplished tho.
    So many flowers at your house!!
    With all the rain, and storms, things are starting to pop up here.
    Have a good weekend, toots.
    Blove to you.

  2. Hi Tete,
    glad to see that you are doing some spray painting! Sorry that you've not been feeling good, hope you feel better very soon! Crafting has always been my therapy, makes me forget about all of the not so good stuff. Your flowers are so pretty, can't wait to see mine. And after seeing Dianas adorable polka dottesd bike, i want to get one for myself!!

  3. Oh-I am so sorry that you are not doing well, Tete! I can sympathize and understand. You do what you can when you can, as you can, while you can. It is amazing how even in pain sometimes the pain becomes the norm and you work in spite of it.

    Love the croquet sets. We play all summer with the kids. I have loved since I was a little kid. We also played a lot of badminton. You can't do that as much in the Midwest because of the flipping wind!

    I hope you have a good night and a better tomorrow- xo Diana

  4. Love the croquet sets, too.
    And that corner shelf is amazing.
    Hope you are better this morning.I need to do some weeding...yuck, send your boys.

  5. Tete - you are such a trooper. You continually amaze me with your strength, will power, and determination to keep on pushing through it all. God bless you, sweetie. You are truly an inspiration to us all! ♥ Hope that you all have a wonderful Sunday together!

    xoxo laurie

  6. Love those croquet sets! So sweet. I need to find one. Your gardens are beautiful. You are a talented bunch! Enjoy the new week.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!