Thursday, May 3, 2012

morning light...

good morning...

its a beautiful day here...

in the high 70s...

with a brisk breeze blowing through the trees...

so grabbed Craig and out we went...

he took a blanket, pillows and his laptop...
Bebe goes where the blankets are...

and I raked a little, took photos and just soaked up that feeling of awesomeness..

I thanked God for all the small things this morning...
every leaf of the trees..

every sway of the branches...

every whisker on every baby..
I spent my morning out there in my nightgown...
just being...
got a semi busy day...
doctor's appointment this afternoon...
with direct orders from both guys not to wear myself out before then...
so its going to be a slacker day for me...

didn't think you would get out of here without some color, did you?
I potted this last night...
love the pot in the pot...

ran out of potting soil so this will happen later...

used the "new" watering can last night...

aren't these just perky?

sun kissed..

need to pot these, too...

now for the latest projects going on...
these old chairs are going celery, too..
that is the same color that my grandfather painted their chairs so many years ago...
same style and all...

and the bird cage went jade green...
just a pop of color..
need to get another can of it to give it another coat...

mower guy is due today, so what is getting painted will have to be done soon so it will be dry to move out of the way...
DH is getting off at 11 this morning and he has tomorrow off...
so we might get a lot done around here if the weather permits...
chance of storms the next 4 days, so you never know...

well, off with you and enjoy your day...
I am going to putter


  1. Sounds like you are having a great day, awesome day by all accounts. I love the pictures and what a neat idea is that pot in a pot?

    Let us know how the doc's appointment goes today. I will be anxious to hear- xo Diana

  2. Love it all...LOL...yep, I knew there would be color somewhere as I scrolled...wouldn't be Tete if she didn't inject a POP in there. Thanking God too for all the good things...even the smallest things sometimes we realize are just what it takes to bring the balance and tip that scale to "Positive Thinking" every single day. He is good. I paineted a birdcage green this year....for a Springy light look for the porch. Like it. Yours look great. Good for your guys for giving you your instruction for the day. ;-) Nothing like having someone who "has your back"..hugs to you Tete. xoxo *love the red flowers..(Gerbera Daisy??)

  3. I love those chairs. We have 2 of them, and they really need redoing, they are green, need to consider something different.
    The sepia tone is pretty on most things, love them.
    I need to do some pictures, and crop them, I just uploaded today.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!