Wednesday, June 20, 2012

out with the old, in with the new...

on the way home from the doctor, we swung by the old high school here...

they started the demo on Monday...
the flag is at half mask...

working on the top floor...
the new high school is in the right back ground of the photo...
this was not MY high school...
but it still took my breath away with the first glimpse...
it has always been here for me...
I can't imagine what it feels like for her alumni...

well, good news and bad news from the doctor...
I do have bronchitis...
he gave me amoxicillin for that...
should start feeling better in a day or two....

now the good news...
I am in the perfect range for my blood sugar and the weight loss was impressive...
he is very happy with my progress...
told me I was doing a good job and that I must be lactose intolerant...
I am to keep doing what I have been doing...

I need to go back for a blood test for the diabetes, but I need to fast so couldn't do it this morning...
stopped at Burger King on the way home...
and had a whopper for lunch...
tried to take a nap, but couldn't sleep...
so here I am...

DH brought me home and we all did lunch, then grabbed the list and headed back over there to get the shopping done...
the car ride over made me sick to my tummy, so he brought me home so he could take his time and all that...
so just sitting here waiting on him to get back home...


  1. Hi Tete...

    I'm sorry you're not feeling your best - bronchitis and an upset tummy...yuck. Maybe the upset came from the amoxycillin, mixed with food. I can't take any "cillin", I'm allergic.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Glad your blood sugar is better and your weight loss is being successful. It's not easy, is it?

    Jan ♥

  2. That is good to hear about your blood sugar and weight loss. Now you just concentrate on getting over that bronchitis, dear friend.

  3. Oh- I am so glad that you got good news at the Dr., Tete. I love that you are doing so well with your weight loss and, hopefully, your blood sugar will be good, too.

    Sorry you got sick to your tummy though but glad hubby was willing to drive you home before shopping.

    Hope you have a wonderful night- read the last post, too, and I hope you get some rain. We need it, too...a lot of it. I love your firepit area- that cleaned up really nice...but that is because YOU supervised. Fat chance they have to fire YOU! xo Diana

  4. Good job with the weight loss, and blood sugars! You have been working hard, and it's paying off.
    Sorry your tummy got yucky today.
    Hope the meds help with the bronchitis.
    Thinking of you, Tete.

  5. So sad....

    I hate to see the past destroyed, you know me.
    I got to see Rebecca on Sat and we had a good talk. Was so glad to see her.

  6. Glad Glad for the GOOD part... the BAD part will be gone soon!!! Keep doing what you are doing. I know what you are is hard to part of the past have to go much history wrapped up in an old many lives lived and changed there. sad...but it shall start afresh in the new building for many walking through their youth and the milestone of High school...the hallways leading them into adulthood... Hugs to you Tete!! xoxo. Hope Eric is at home and happy... :-)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!