Monday, July 23, 2012

9-12 inches...

that's what they say we need to alleviate the drought here...
dragon fly didn't make it...

but there are a few things still going here and there...

the beans had perked up, but are back to stressing now...

there is still a little window of time for them...

Tory chasing bugs in the field...

a few roses here and there...

yucca seed pods...
probably nothing in them...

worked a bit in the side yard this morning...
just cleaning and pulling weeds...
not a lot to work on in the gardens until we start cutting things back...

we have a small chance of rain for the next four days...
but less than a tenth each day...
we sure don't need that 9-12 inches to fall all at once...
it wouldn't have anywhere to go...
we do have 10 mph winds today, which is nice...
moving air feels cooler...
heat advisory again...

not sure what we will end up cleaning today...
there is always something that needs done inside...
would just rather be out there instead...

grateful that we have central air and can get away from the blast...
its got to end sometime...
hugs to all of you!


  1. Just popping in to say Good Morning- It is hot here and I guess that is about the same amount we need here to "catch up"...don't think it is going to happen.

    I, too, am grateful for central air. I don't do well with the humidity (more than the heat). Blessings to you today- I need to get at a couple of projects today- xo Diana

  2. It's been a one-of-a-kind summer, hasn't it, Tete? Wow. One that will certainly be remembered by all of us. My flowers have stopped blooming even though I've watered them every day during this drought. We've even noticed that the really large trees on the property are beginning to look stressed. We're supposed to get a goodly amount of rain here on Wed night-Thursday. Hopefully that'll help some. :) Keep cool, girlie!

    xoxo laurie

  3. It's dry, dry, dry here too, Tete! Would love for us both to get some rain, just not all at once like you said! Super hot again today, around 100, so I spent the day indoors, catching up on housecleaning, and doing some crafting. Have a great night:)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!