Tuesday, July 24, 2012


we are cloud covered this morning and did have 3 sprinkles happen...
so I got Craig up early and we headed out here...
the dreaded side yard...

cuttin' things back and pulling others out, just getting ready for fall...
not sure when that's going to happen, but we all know it will...
its so dry...
even the rocks need watered...

saw a brown cricket and a brown grasshopper...
which may not seem strange to you...
but ours are supposed to be black and green...

I guess so they can hide in all the brown...

mums are coming along here...
but these are my burgundy ones...
look yellow this time...

we pulled some on the dianthus and cut back the ferns and lilies...
looks much better...

got rain coming maybe on Thursday...
like more than an inch...
had to get this out before that because this will mold and cause rot on the roots...

this old wicker chair is in its last season...
so need to come up with something else next year for the bird bath...

see the cloudy skies?
the low temp was 83 last night, but the cloud cover kept it there for a bit...
humidity and dew points are in the high 70s, so we moved slow...
very slow...

these little blue flowers grow along the fields and roadways around us...
they are a weed, but a pretty weed...
love the blues...
if it weren't so dry and I don't want to break another shovel...
I would start digging these and transplanting them in my flower beds...
maybe next year...

it was good to play in the dirt again...
even though I think we ate a bunch of it...
it was flying around every time we raked or sifted the weeds out...
gardened in my night gown, I did...
then got my shower while the photos were downloading on here...
a couple hours in the garden is good for the soul...
some day the rains will come back and soak this earth again...
until then, we'll just have to make due...
you all have a blessed day...
one more thing...
thought I would share this with you...
my niece posted it on facebook last night and it put a smile on my face...

I could use on of those...
and the six pack better not be beer...
are you smiling yet?
thought so...


  1. I see it's still hot and dry by you. Here too. The forecast keeps saying rain, but we don't get any. When it finally comes, I bet it comes in buckets full! Then we'll be heading for the hills from flash floods.
    The white stuff will be here soon enough for me...then you will really here me complain! I actually love summer, and wouldn't mind if it lasted a few more months...heat and all!! I don't like having no rain..but do love summer.
    Hope you are feeling good, Tete.
    Enjoy your day.

  2. I'm enjoying the summer as long as it doesn't go into the high 90s again. I go out in the garden in the very early morning and I love it. It's so peaceful and somewhat cool. We need rain, too. It seems everyone in NJ gets it except us. I guess that's so the people here on vacation can go to the beach. Which every year I say I'm going to do, but I don't get there. This year, though, as soon as September hits I'm going up there with my chair. That's the best time at the beach around here....Sept. and Oct.

  3. Can't beleive you are out there working in this heat! it is 100 already and it is not even noon. I HATE this!! and hate the electric bill more!

  4. I am so sorry for you that it is so dry and hot. I know this is so unusual for you and it's difficult to cope with. I am praying for rain for you.

    The Texas Forest Service estimated that 500,000,000, yes 500 million trees died in the state of Texas last year due to the drought.

  5. When you get done with that dishwasher send him my way!!!

    Sounds like it is as hot and dry there as it is here...and how strange about the cricket and grasshopper.

    Those little blue flowers my father used to call "sinkers" and they used them for some kind of tea but I don't remember what it was for...if those are the same roadside flowers-which they appear to be- Blessings- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!