Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm not holding my mouth right...

that's what mom would say if something I was doing didn't come out the first time through...
then she would give me a most intense face with her tongue out to the side...
and whatever I was doing, I would try again with that same face...
and it would work...
the ferns and other things are roasted...

and even after another evening of being completely surrounded by storms...
rained 5 miles north and 5 miles south...

we ended up with about 15 total minutes of sprinkles...
the wind blew and the thunder rolled in the distance...
we watched the lightening dance all around...

so maybe I'm not holding my mouth right...

we have been in a heat warning for so long and its going through at least until Sunday again...

it was 107 on the deck last night at supper time...

when it started darkening up, we went out to see if it was going to rain...

and 90 seemed so much cooler...

it was bearable...

the wind really blew for a change...

by midnight, I was ready for a sweater on that last walk...

LOL- it was in the 80s...

funny how you can get used to things...

like cold and heat...

it was 68 this morning out on the deck with 90% humidity...
that is changing already...
as the humidity drops, the temps will rise...
probably another 100+ day here...
you can bet the next time storms come through...
I'm doing that intense face...

the farmers are talking crop insurance...
yeppers, its that bad...
pray for all those still left without power today as the heat builds up again...
its sure not something I would want to be in...
and the ones who were in the line of the fires that wiped out so much...

and be careful tomorrow...
have a happy 4th...


  1. I hear ya!! It is so disappointing to get glimpses of a possible storm - you can almost SMELL them coming...see some distant lightning and hear the rolls of thunder...and you only get a spit...Cedar Rapids seems to sit right in a spot where it either passes south (to Iowa City where Kurt is working) or north of us and so we get that disappointing view a lot too...like you just see the glimpses of a parade through a bunch of bodies in front of you..... :-( frustrating.. saying a prayer for you to get that rain...Maybe if you DO the FACE...and GET OUT on the deck anc prance a few rain dance steps and give a few Indian whoops....?????
    NO???? oh well... Hang in there. Have yourself a Happy and cooler Fourth Tete...Happy would be rain, yes??? xoxo

  2. I am sick of this heat and no rain! I am hibernating, I won't even run out to the grocery store! I hope it cools off for my family reunion next week. it is too hot for the older folks to be out. Presb church in Ashmore here we come!

  3. Isn't it weird when you're happy with it being 90! Hope you get your rain, but that it's the gentle kind of rain. Enjoy your holiday!

  4. Oh- it has passed us by, too. Just south of us they got almost 2" of rain and we got a heavy sprinkle here. CRAZY weather. We desperately need the rain.

    I can hear your mother telling you that and I can see your determination to do/re-do until you got it right-

    Blessing to you and Happy 4th- xo Diana

  5. So far for June and the first few days of July, we've had exactly .4 of rain. May was really dry too, so everything here is scorching in 100+ heat.
    Your flowers are beautiful.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!