Sunday, July 1, 2012

What a summer!

we got the hint of clouds last evening...
and then it sprinkled, for hours...
didn't even amount to a tenth of an inch...
but it tried...

when we went out this morning the humidity was 90%, so it has dropped some, but this in on the deck...

dead headed early this morning...

and I went out to walk around the yard and get photos for this post...

but I'm not that brave, so these will have to do...

we swapped out some things from down below to give us something different to look at...

the whole area looks like this...
haven't heard a mower going since I can remember now...
the birds are leaving...
no crickets at night...
no grasshoppers...
no flies...

talked to my step mom this morning and dad's pneumonia is better...
she told the doctor this morning NO FEED TUBE...
they are going to give him 2 units of blood and when he can eat...
they will send him back to the nursing home...
she told the doctor that dad would not be coming back to the hospital...
if he aspirates again, when he aspirates again...
she will let him go...
thank you so much for your prayers so far...
but we still need them until he crosses over...
they have been married 26 years now...
dad and mom were only together 21...
so she has been with dad the longest...
she cried and said she hoped she made the right decision...
I told her any decision made out of love is never wrong...
he would have made the same decision for her...

off to take a nap...


  1. Bless your step mom, I am glad she can call and talk to you.

    I ran out and took a pic of my hibiscus because it is beautiful..then ran back in to hibernate!

  2. It is hot here, too, Tete. Awful! I know that your step mother made the right decision. Saying prayers for your Dad and her. xo Diana

  3. Just like living in Texas!

    My prayers are with you and your family!

  4. Hi Tete, I think she made the right choice. I am still praying for you all. Really hot and muggy here, too.

  5. Such a hard decision for her to make. Sometimes you just have to quit fighting it!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!