Wednesday, July 18, 2012

its time to let go...

this would have been wonderful if it was in the west...
but it didn't build until it was past us and is now raining at Indy...

and the stress is showing everywhere...
and its time...

I think, to start letting some things go...
the annuals are looking bad now...

they had done so well to hang on for as long as they did...
but there is more of the same coming the next 10 days...

mower guy called today and I said sorry, but we don't need a mower this week...
4 weeks now...

there is much to do out there, but its just too hot...
and when its not hot, its humid and might as well be...
there will be much to do when cooler weather moves in this fall...

 its come to the time where we have to pick what we try to save...
and the bushes and bulbs come first...
time to trim things back and keep the roots alive...
everything above ground is toast...
so there is not a lot to post about here...
or take photos of...

so far, the trees and shrubs are holding on...
and the roses don't look pretty, but they are still alive...
the tomatoes are coming on...
we have a chance of 1/4 to 1/2 inch tomorrow and then nothing for another week...
I hope we don't have another summer like this ever...
worst I have ever seen...
and a friend posted photos of Kentucky and they are having bad flooding there...
whackiest year ever, don't you think?

come on fall...
come early and stay long...
I am so ready for a change...


  1. Oh- It is so sad that it is so dry in so much of the country. We finally got some rain but not enough to help much. God bless you and I hope you get more rain than predicted. xo Diana

  2. Hope you get some rain soon, Tete. I am lovin' the sound I hear right now, rain! Yippe! It has been passing us by all summer long, but now we are finally getting some. Those poor flowers, even the geraniums on my front deck railing look just awful, maybe they will perk up. I've not been working out in the yard either, too darn hot & muggy! Guess those weeds will just have to wait! Keep cool:)

  3. We finally got a little rain last night. We keep watering from the canal...twice a day. 90's expected all week here. Feels like summers way back when I was a kid.
    I'm one of the few that actually like this kind of weather...only because I despise winter.
    Hope things improve for you, Tete.

  4. Hi Tete, I am sorry for you and for every gardener and especially farmer in the parts of the country stricken by drought and heat. I'm in that bunch too. Things look stressed, but I keep watering. Due to the heat, the weeding, deadheading, and Japanese beetle catching isn't happening as often as it should. I'm fortunate, though, that we still have a lot blooming. If you think of it, could you say a prayer for little Landon, age 4, who is having surgery today for neuroblastoma. He has been through more than any 4 year old should ever hae to endure. Here is his caring bridge site:
    I don't know the family personally, but have been praying for them - they are on the prayer list at our church. Take care. I am glad and I thank God for you. You are a very special lady.
    Hugs, Beth

  5. are has been a very unusual EXTREMELY HOT summer, and if only the rains had would have been tolerable...but to see the vegetation die that is so necessary for especially the is too sad...we had a drought like this one in the Carolinas a number of years back and I remember gathering in the church at set times to implore the Lord for RAIN for our region...God works in mysterious ways, and Mother Nature just sometimes gets out of whack...this year was one of those years for some...drought here...floods there...You have a good attitude. Hang in there... Hugs to you!!!

  6. It poured on me in Ashmore on Sat. when I got home to Charleston...nothing!
    It looks so much worse in Coles than at home in Cville!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!