Wednesday, July 18, 2012

need prayer again...

well, the spooky things behind the furniture will just have to wait...
Craig's friend, Chris, has been here all day...
they are best friends...
and Chris just lost his grandma...
not just any grandma...
she had a business here in town on the square and would have celebrated 40 years there this fall...
she was in the Chamber of Commerce and several other organizations...
she was a real gem...
and the whole town is going to miss her...
but right now, her family is dealing with a loss so great...
and sometimes its hard to let go of them...
visitation is tomorrow night and then the funeral is Friday...
so if you could remember all those that are about to say their final goodbyes in your prayers, it would be great...
Craig will be there every step of the way...
Chris was there when Craig lost his grandpa not so long ago...
and Craig was there for him when he lost his, too...
cause that's what friends do...
they hold each other up when knees get weak...
when hearts break and when its so hard to go on...
I am glad that these 2 grew up to be fine men and kept each other in their lives...
best friends...
die hard friends are a treasure...
pray for these grown men as they walk a path that we all have to face...
its just a bit harder for us when its our kids having to do it...


  1. Oh- I am saying a prayer for the whole family, Tete. That is so sad- I am guessing it was totally unexpected. God bless Craig as he stands by his friend...the hardest part of friendship sometimes. Blessings and prayers- xo Diana

  2. Thank you for such sweet words about mom and a big thank you to Craig for sitting with Chris just to share a few memories or listen or shed a tear.

  3. It's always so hard to see our kids in pain. I'm so sorry, and prayers to you all.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!