Wednesday, July 18, 2012

one of the best sounds in the world...

is a summer rain...

on a tin roof...

we got a lot of thunder and lightening yesterday afternoon...
but less than a tenth of an inch of rain...
but we'll take it...
we are over cast again this morning, but nothing showing on the radar...
its building on top of us again...
and its so humid out...
heat and pollen advisory again today...
the green is sneaking back into the yard slowly...
still more brown than green...

and a couple of the furballs were playing king of the recliner...

just as she was gaining momentum...
a paw stopped her cold...

Princess Bleubell...
the guys gave her the princess part...
thinks she owns the place...
and I guess she's staying...
she gets along with everyone...

and my supper the night before last...
check out that garden fresh tomato...
grown locally...
we are starting to get the roma tomatoes now...
but not quite ready for the beef masters...
but it won't be long...

doing well this week with just 1/2 a pill...
blood sugar is up enough to where I have some energy and no more crashing...
need to get dressed soon...
keep putting it off...
yep, its one of those days...
well, off to discover what lies behind the furniture this week...


  1. Glad you are feeling better, Tete! Love the sound of rain on a tin roof. A little rain is better than nothing. Sue wish we would get some, it is so dry. And don't even get me started on the heat and humidity! ugh! Love the kitty photos, too cute! Keep cool!

  2. RAHHHHH for the rain...yes SOME is better than NONE....always. Well, sounds like Princess Kitty is gonna get a VERY VERY good home...a few whacks on the head do us all a bit of good every now and then. :-p My eye saw the RED 'mater FIRST but it definitely ALL looks SOOO good...I'm coming be careful....scarey things in the depths and darkness of "Behind the Furniture" locations...{{hugs}} Tete.

  3. We finally got some rain last night here, too, Tete. A whole 1/2 inch! lol! But we'll take it! More is on the way for tonight and tomorrow. Praise the Lord!

    Loved seeing the pics of the Battling Kitties. lol! They are so much fun to watch, aren't they? lol!

    Sending you hugs, my friend!

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!