Tuesday, July 10, 2012

piddle fartin' away the day...

remember yesterday, Craig was painting this baker's rack...
long time ago, it was in my kitchen...
used it for the microwave and stuff...
you know, stuff...
but its been outside for a few years now...
after a brief stay in Doug's apartment...
it was always white...
but we had 3 cans of plum, or so we thought, when we started this...
the one can is a dark purple and its going back...
we need to get one more plum and two more celery and I think we have this painting thing under control...

so a few photos of what we put on here...

a new home for Peter...

and some smiling faces to greet visitors at the door...

some are a little shy...

babies hanging off of the spider plant...

and here she is...
our once green lawn is now brown...
more tan...
the weeds are even starting to die...
only a few sprinkles since Memorial Day week here...

Daphne over saw the transformation...

and I did some shopping this morning...
online garage sale and she delivers!
2 pillows for the bench and a black table cloth for later...

and I saw this this morning and thought of all of you...
you could do this with cookie dough for one huge cookie...
or the top of a pie...
how cute?
see, I know you are thinking of other things you could do with this idea...
like snowflake cookies this winter with round doilies...
yepper, the gears are turning fast now... 

and I love this...
soon to be on my sidebar here on the old blog...

well, I am piddle farted out, so heading into take a nap...
chicken tonight for supper with mashed potatoes and gravy...
cantelope for dessert...
and its really good...
chilling in the fridge until the big moment...
you all have a good day and enjoy the coolness of the 90s!


  1. Hi Tetes! I am late getting here today. I love that lavender color and the celery green, too. It is so soft and pretty looking.

    Your plants are looking pretty good- not so good with your lawn though. It is the same way all over here- hot, dry and everything is browning out. The farmers are starting to worry about their crops now.

    I love that thing with the dough and the doily. I saved that over to my files. I think those will make a great teacher gift come next session.

    I still absolutely love those petunias and I have not seen any like that around here.

    Love to you- hope you are having a good day overall- xo Diana

  2. Daphne is so cute I want to give her a kiss!

  3. Oh my, been a long time since I've been by to see your blog. Love it! It is just beautiful. Also loved your blog today! Love your lovely flowers greeting your guests at the door - I've never seen any like that with green on the edges - very lovely!

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Hello Tete,
    Love the color of your bakers rack and I love your kitty!!!
    I have not been visiting lately but will try to visit more often.
    Stay cool, it sure is hot every where isn't it?
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  5. What are those petunias called? Love them.
    The doily idea is a good one, wonder if you could use it on some kind of clay, then bake it, and paint.....


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!