Wednesday, July 25, 2012

the hottest day of the year...

that's what they are calling it...
but after today it will cool down a bit...

our low last night...
and this morning its 90% humidity so the heat indexes are going to be high...
temp, they say will only be 103...
but its going to feel worse than that...

I think DH is lucky to be on light duty the rest of the week...
he will get to sit inside in the ac...

I decided no yard work today...
the weekend will be much cooler and we can get more done then...

I hate to do it but tired of looking at it...
so cutting down the ferns and the worst out of here...

most of the deck plants have perked back up...

and are blooming again...

Daphne always finds the worst places to nap...
Craig and I have started on the front bedroom that we use for storage...
this is nothing but a box of boxes...
thought I would use them...
pitching and cleaning as we go...
only 30 minutes a day in there and we're out...

we are at a stand still now, though...
we only have 3 garbage cans and we have already filled up 2...
so that's the quota for the week...
need the other one for the "normal" trash...

Craig and Chris headed for Paris last night after supper and watched the new Batman movie...
the theater on the square there had closed but someone bought it and opened it back up...
$4 a movie isn't bad...
they brought me home a whopper later and it was still hot out when we ate on the deck...
but we had lightening...

so got in bed late, but woke up at 1:22 to big thunder...
crawled out of bed, peed and headed outside...
got to sit out there and hear it rain for a little bit...
at one point it just poured...
checked the rain gauge this morning and we got a whole tenth last night...

no watering for us today!
this is another area that needs cleaned out, too...

I did lay here with Daphne while it rained...
but didn't stay there long...
afraid I would fall alseep!

so I am thinking today, I might change this up...
found some crap in that front bedroom nightmare...
I have totally too much crap...
its everywhere...
almost to the smothering point...
so I am purging again...
I have these moods every now and then...
I think its from being stuck inside too much this summer...
can you get cabin fever in the summer????
well, if you can, I may have it...
good for the house...
we will have the fall house cleaning done by August!

after DH's scare yesterday, he slept like a baby...
maybe the high blood pressure has been messing with his sleep...
he looked really good this morning...
said he felt pretty good, except for being old...
that probably won't change... 

have a great day and play inside if its going to be hot where you are...
still working on that book...
can't sit still long enough to get it done...
not the best book, either...
but it will do...

city wide rummage sales are coming up next month...
think I had better stock up for the winter...
or go on ebay and find some...

well, off to start the house work...


  1. Hi Tete,
    Your photo's are stunning. I love the thermometer photo and the bike, the wicker chair and oh my the curtain with the light coming through is stunning. Just wanted you to know I like them..

  2. Great photos, Tete. You do have a way with that camera, girl. Sounds like you have been busy INSIDE when it it the hottest and busy OUTSIDE when you can catch a breeze. I worked outside for a few hours this morning and came in soaked from head to foot-not from rain--from sweat..UGH-ly!

    We are supposed to get some rain tonight but I will believe it when I see it- Blessings to you- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!