Tuesday, July 24, 2012

high blood pressure...

Steve has been having trouble with his left hand and thinks its the same problem he had 4 years ago with his right...
he had to have wrist and elbow surgery then...
so he told them at work and this morning, his boss took him to the company doctor...
while there to check the other things, they took his blood pressure...
that was a ticket to the local ER and they put him in a room...
tons of test later confirmed that he had not had a stoke and there were NO blood clots in his brain or lungs...
he had 0 symptoms...
they kept asking him questions about all kinds of things and he said NO to all of them...
no headaches, no nose bleeds...
so they gave him 5 BP pills and I called his doctor as soon as he got home...
sees him Thursday morning...
he is on light duty until then...
and he didn't call me...
he was a bad boy...

things always happen for a reason...
and since Mr Bullhead wouldn't go to the doctor before when I asked him to...
so glad he is having trouble with his left hand...
they will get around to taking care of that after they get his BP stable...
and lowered...
he thinks I am the cause of his high BP...
I don't think so...
after all...
I'm sweet and lovable...

anyway, pray for him...
cause if he hits the ER again...
and I don't get a call...
I'm punching him in the nose...

I will keep you posted on his condition...
have a good night...


  1. I will be keeping Mr. Bullhead in my prayers. Stay on him, where would he be without you. Thanks for sharing, Kathy

  2. Oh, sweet and lovable, that's you. So you could not be the cause of the high BP. Take good care of your guy. It is good they caught the BP before damage was done.

  3. Well, then Mr. Bullhead could honestly say that he DID have a nosebleed. Dratted man!

    I will keep him AND YOU in my prayers. xo Diana

    Please keep me posted as to anything that happens-

  4. OH NO! now that is high!!
    He needs to take care of himself. I am glad he seems to have a caring boss.

    I am so glad he feels ok, but lets keep it that way!

  5. Not Sweet Lovable Tete, no way no how...
    It has to be the neighbors.
    Hope all goes well and he gets regulated.

  6. I'm glad they found it, Tete. High blood pressure is known as the silent killer - no symptoms, but it's there doing its damage. He is so fortunate that it was diagnosed and it is very treatable. I said a prayer for him today.
    Blessings and hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!