Saturday, August 11, 2012

another day...

yesterday the skies were like this on our morning walks...

but I wanted to show you the poles...
see the hole?
from the drought...

and the storm drain- same thing going on...

and one of our water meters...
this is the one for the north lot...
the rain filled a lot of the gaps in...
before, a small child could get their foot in here...

1.6 inches of rain helps a bunch...

the dusty millers are about to seed...

this daisy is about done, too...

the 10 day forecast for us shows all 80s...
no more 90s and 100s in sight...
hopefully, the early fall is coming...
and we have a chance of rain on Wednesday...

and a note on me...
certain "things" passed this morning...
and are still passing...
DH is working until noon...
I got up really early and decided I could go back to bed for a bit...
should really get moving...
load of laundry is in and breakfast dishes are soaking in the sink...
better yell at Craig, too...
he's sleeping in, but not for long...
need to clip the dog sometime today...
and clean out the fridge...
check the can goods and make a list...
need to let Princess Snuggles out of the kennel...
she's throwing a fit...
and, the most important thing...
besides getting dressed...
I need to spend some time on the deck...
so you all have fun with your weekend...


  1. I am glad your heat broke and I am glad that you are feeling better, too. That prolonged heat did some terrible damage all the way around, didn't it?

    I am glad you are able to enjoy your new deck again and the heat and humidity aren't as bad as they were.

    Have a great weekend, Tete. I feel a bit better today than I did yesterday---thank goodness- xo Diana

  2. What a sweet relief that rain was, Tete! We got an entire day's worth yesterday. I was even happy to hear it pounding on the windshield of my car as I drove to my hair appt. Today the clouds looked like autumn clouds, and it's so much cooler. Thank you, Lord! :) Glad that you're feeling better, sweetie, and I hope that you got to spend sometime on that beautiful deck!

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!