Sunday, August 12, 2012


there wasn't a small bucket full of them...

but now they're gone...

it was fun playing in the dirt again...

and we didn't even raise a dust storm this time...

its still dry, but its the wettest its been since spring...

the tomatoes have a fall look about them...

as does most things around here...

it got down in the 50s last night...

bird's nest in the persimmon...
not good for any fruit this year, but its made someone a wonderful home...

see the yuck happening already?

there are a few blooms still...

not going to get enough to fill the freezer for winter...
80% now have the blossom rot...

but the mums are coming on...

and I have never seen so many ground spider webs ever...
that's what you get, I guess, when you don't mow all summer...
since the last of May- 1st of June around here...

this made me think...
I need to add prisms to my garden...
used to hang them in the windows at the antique mall and they would cast rainbows all around...
going to be looking for some of them through the fall and winter...

God has blessed us with enough rain to keep going for a bit longer...
and cooler temps to give the electric bills a rest...
sitting here with a lap throw, hoodie and my sock monkey house slippers on...
its so nice to have goose bumps again!

have a great day!


  1. OH yes...goosebumps! Had them last night sitting on the deck with my husbands family!
    We opened the windows Friday night and have been so happy sleeping with a cool breeze.....aaaahhhhh

  2. I love the idea of goosebumps but haven't had any yet.
    The only thing blooming here is the few 4 O'Clocks that I have beside the house, and the Hummingbirds have been loving their nectar.

  3. I'm so happy to have a bit cooler temps, and the rain made me oh so happy! Glad you enjoyed it too! Love your tomato chairs, how fun! It's even sounding a bit like fall here with the crickets chirping!

  4. boy- You really keep a neat weed-free garden, Tete. It makes me ashamed of my own garden! I am so glad that it has cooled down there- it is cooler here, too. Blessings to you- have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  5. Hi Tete, Glad it cooled off and that you got some rain. A few years ago, my tomatoes had blossom end rot. I read about it, learned it was caused by lack of calcium, and so I dissolved some (human) calcium pills in water, and watered the tomatoes with that. It did the trick. No guarantees for you, just a thought. We have had lots of tomatoes, however, since the weather cooled off they aren't ripening as rapidly. Glad you could get out and weed. Looks good!

  6. Lovely pictures, Tete! We're still in blistering heat here and I am so not a summer person. I'm eagerly awaiting the autumn's cooler temperatures and falling leaves. Nice to visit with you's been a while.

  7. Hi Tete....can't wait till fall. I'm sick of being shut in with the windows closed and the air on. I want to open the windows and smell that fall air!
    Things are fading and dying off around here, too. I don't like to see that, but I do look forward to cooler weather.
    Still busy around here, so my nose is to the grindstone!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!