Monday, August 13, 2012

gardening in the shade...

we started out here last night...

and it was in really bad shape...

but we had company stop by...

so we just sat in the yard for a time and chatted...

had to finish this after lunch today...

looks really good compared to the rest of the yard...

glad I didn't plant this full this year...
they would have died anyway...

the rose bushes have some dead leaves on them, but for the most part, they are doing pretty good...

didn't even hit 80 today and it has been over cast all day long...

I was eyeing this mess when it started sprinkling...
lucky for Craig...

there is some more green happening out there...

nothing to really brag about or even drag the mower out for...
but its not all brown...

glad I didn't get the basket planted this year...
need to find some silks to put in there, maybe...

filled the ground basket with seed for the larger birds...
just in case they come back...

the dead leaves in the rose bush...
left them...
got pricked too many times so decided they could stay there...

now, this was from last night...
I would like the introduce redneck lawn darts...

this is a friend's husband...
with my gardening carpet square...
they used them for targets...

and instead of darts...
bows and arrows...

yep, that's how its done here...
yard darts wouldn't even stick in the ground its so hard...
but the arrows do...

where were my friend and I????
on the deck...
out of range...
and that's why the gardening had to wait until today...

no birds, cats or humans were harmed at this event...
and kids- do not try this at home...
its only for idiot adult men...

have a good night!


  1. Looks as if they were having fun, and enjoying the cooler weather.
    Friends stopping by sounds like fun.

    It is a bit cooler here, but nothing like your weather. And we did get rain, an inch fell yesterday morning before we were out of bed. Everything revived a bit, but we still need more.

  2. Lookin' good, Tete! Now you can come over and help me weed! Funny how the weeds seem to grow no matter what the weather is like! I am loving your bike, I want one! Hey, you could fill the bike's basket with pumpkins and gourds for fall, how fun would that be? Hope you are feeling better:)

  3. I am so glad that you got a bit of reprieve from the heat and the "kids" got a chance to play. I hope you had a really good day. Lulu went home tonight and I hope she gets some sleep and I hope I get some tonight, too. At least I will be able to open a window tonight- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!