Monday, August 27, 2012

more rain and signs of fall...

just a glimpse of a birthday present from my bestie, Rebecca...
love the embossed garden on this plaque...

isn't it pretty?

and a close up of the heart in the apothecary jar...

we had cloudy skies this morning left over from last nights storm...

another .3 of rain is making the green pop around here...

the autumn clematis is beginning to bloom...

and the corn picking has begun in our area...

even the weeds speak of fall...

but the grass is greening up and the leaves are beginning to fall...

sedum is just beginning to blush...

and the walnuts are starting to fall...

the sun came out this afternoon and blue skies had floating clouds...
made chicken and noodles for supper...
thinking we could do it for 2 nights...
but in our reality...
there's enough for one for lunch tomorrow now...
guess it has been awhile since we had it...
Craig went back and cleaned out the pot a couple hours after supper...

I am thinking veggie soup tomorrow...
made with the rest of the chicken instead of roast beef...
maybe even chili over the weekend...

its supposed to cool off again and they are forecasting 2-4 inches of rain from Issac...
I sure feel bad for those along the coast about to get hit by this storm...
but the rest of us in the north could sure use the rain...

about to hit the shower and then surf the net...
not sure what I am looking for but just might something really cool...
if I do, I'll share it with you tomorrow...

have a great night and be safe...


  1. We got some rain too! I had almost forgotten how sweet raindrops sound! It's looking a bit more like fall here, too. But it was hot and muggy today, ugh! Have a good night:)

  2. Bring on the rain! I hope it is over by the weekend..coming home. Cousins "working weekend" doing some painting on the windows etc. No big job like last years porch!

  3. What a nice post, Tete. I always feel like I am such a part of your day as I read your posts. I do hope you get some rain...I know you still need it. Love you gift from your Bestie. NO spending money on the internet tonight- you know how hubby is!;>) xo Diana

  4. Things look lovely in your area, and fall will be here soon, to bring the colors to show.
    We had a bit of rain last night, no warning, I went to feed the kittens, and it was sprinkling. We had to move the mower in, and I'm glad we did, because it showered and rained for over an hour. Isaac is supposed to come our way, and if he does, we should have plenty of moisture.

  5. Very nice post. I enjoy your side



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!