Thursday, August 30, 2012

is anyone having trouble loading photos on here???

got an email from a friend and fellow blogger who can't get her photos to upload on blogger...
so just wondering if anyone else is having problems...

the only problem I had was having to click on each photo to load them to the page...
which normally, it automatically does...
our tomatoes...

got up this morning with sinuses running, a headache and just feeling crappy...

so sinus meds and back to bed I went...

finally slept off the sinus meds and I am up and running, slowly, again...

mower guy came and mowed this afternoon for us...
wanted to get it done before the rains come...

every time we watch the weather, they up the amount...
last night, they said up to 9 inches over the weekend...
so I'm not going to watch anymore...
so they can't up it again...

we could handle 6, but not sure about 9...
or more...
time to blow up the life boat...
and find the oars...
from one extreme to another, I guess...

the farmers are in a panic to get the corn out of the fields before it hits...
standing rain and the corn will go down...

DH is working over tonight, and not sure when he will be home...
its harvest time and they are hauling in...
he has several loads that need to go out before the weekend...
and they are going to be drying corn around the clock to keep up...
they only have one dryer...
that only holds so much...
and it looks like it all has to be dried...
so the fun has begun here...

have a great holiday weekend...
stay dry and safe...
hugs to you all..

1 comment:

  1. No problems here with pictures so good.

    I hope you don't get flooded with rain, Tete. It seems it is either desert or drown conditions.

    I hope hubby isn't home too late. I know this is a really busy time of year for him...and a lonesome time of year for you- Blessings- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!