Wednesday, September 5, 2012

my family photos...

been working on photos for my cousins...
my dad's parents...

great grandma and grandma...

my dad...

my great grandparents' 50th anniversary...
we had a family reunion every 10th year on their anniversary until 1980...

my dad, his brothers and cousins...
and his horse...

that's me fishing with my grandpa and his mother...

my dad, uncle and their twin cousins...

my dad's twin brothers and uncle Don's first born...

my brother, me and our cousins...
christmas was always fun with them...

my 4th birthday...

my dad's family...

dad and the twins with their grandpa...

dad and uncle Don...
they were exactly one year apart...
uncle Don was born in 1934...
and dad came along in 1935 on his 1st birthday...
uncle Don used to joke that he got ripped off...

there they are again on their farm...

and the boys with their cousin...
that's their grandparents' front porch...
they had a rock house...
they sold the farm and house when they got too old to do the chores anymore and moved into a 3 bedroom in town...

I have more photos to do over the next few weeks...
takes forever to get them scanned and fixed...
but want to get it done...
been putting it off for some time now...

Tori did well with her chemo last night...
and they were going to release her at 4 pm if her blood count was up enough...
I haven't heard anything either way, so hopefully they are busy driving home...
and not able to post anything else...
not sure what lies ahead for them, but God has it covered...
keep the prayers coming!


  1. Oh- I love those old pictures. That one of you fishing is just priceless. I should get some of our family photos scanned in, too.

    What fun photos of all the cousins and twins, etc.

    I am glad Tori did well with the chemo. Please keep us posted. Prayers going up- xo Diana

  2. Look at that BIG package u got on your 4th birthday!!!

  3. I love all the old photos, I have several I need to do something with, one of these days.
    Thanks for sharing them.
    I'm finally back in you blog, I've had a terrible time.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!