Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tori update...

T-shirts made to sell to raise money for her and her family...
so many are doing fund raisers for them right now...

Mikatlyn feeding Tori...
she had to do a second round of chemo- 2 days in a row...
they started it at 5pm...
first round didn't make her too sick...
but this one might...

Tori on her birthday (Saturday)...
pretty sure she is in the Shriners' hospital, but will have to check on that...
my dad is a Shriner, and I know they have very good children's hospitals...

seen an update from her mom...
the cancer masses were in both lungs...
the bone cancer is in stage 3...
that's what the doctor's are telling them until they get back more biopsies...
still testing on her...
but if she does ok with this chemo tonight...
she will probably get to go home for awhile on Thursday...
not sure when the next chemo will start, but I think my neighbor said in about 2 weeks...
he wasn't real sure on that...
so much going on right now...

so, keep the prayers coming...
I let them know you are all praying for her...
they feel so blessed...
and thanks, Diana, for always being there to pray and help post these important things...
blog world prayer warriors are the best kind there are!  


  1. Tete- I will wait and do an update on Thursday and maybe we will know ever more then. I am continuing to pray for this girl and her family. xo Diana

  2. My prayers are with everyone. It breaks my heart to see a child suffer through this. May our God bring healing and comfort.

  3. I'm praying for her still, Tete. I remember when we were in the cancer center for my dad 8 years ago, at the U of M hospital. Seeing all those kids with cancer was so heartbreaking. Thanks for the update. Praying for total healing and peace for her family.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!