Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sundays are good days...

weeded the tomatoes today and watered pots...
that's the only outside work we did...

which really isn't work, to me...
I like playing in the dirt...

still getting blooms, but no more bloom rot on the new ones coming on...

and of course we have plenty of help whenever we venture out...
kind of looks like a little lamb...
and he follows me everywhere...

so here are some shots of what I look at when I am playing outside...

we had a Jack Russel coming in this weekend to see if we could help her out any...
been abused and the people who took her in just can't get her to come out of her shell...
scared of everything...

so we have waited on them to call all weekend to say they were on their way with her...
and when he does call, its to say they want to wait until next weekend...

Daphne was helping, too...

I told this man that that was better for us, too...
we have one missing and one down on us...

Beau Beau is missing...
2 days now...
and Boofy must have had another seizure...

she is down...
losing weight and dehydrated...
so just got done giving her a bath and feeding her chicken baby food...
just a bit...

with my finger...
and gave her a dropper full of powerade zero for electrolytes...
blow dried her and put her in a kennel...

this is the third time she has started crashing on us...

so hoping she pulls out of it...
she was just outside running and playing 2 days ago...

so whatever is going wrong with her, if this is how its going to be for her...
I do not mind giving her back...

we have had her 7 years...

we can go years without losing one and then bam...
just like that, they fade away...

and its always because someone else is waiting to come in...

and you know there are more out there...
who need us...

He has never sent us more than we could take care of...

this is one that I will really miss when he goes...
and at 13, he is slowing down...

I have learned to appreciate who we have, when we have them...
because here, nothing is forever...
Heaven, to me, is where no animal or child is waiting to be adopted...
when they cross over, they have their forever home...
and they're safe...

so if you could pray for both my little ones...
for no suffering...
I would appreciate it...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm sorry, Tete, and I am thinking of you and your sweethearts. May God keep them safe and I hope they are well and home with you.
    Hugs, Beth

  3. How heartbreaking, Tete. I will be praying for your furbabies, my friend....

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!