Monday, October 29, 2012

butt suckers...

meet the butt sucker...

and the butt suckee...
and a self butt sucker, hence the E collar...

got these little ones in on Friday and this is how they came in...
made the collar and had Craig bring in the 2nd bird cage to separate them...

the gray and white started passing blood in its stool on Sat and has been bleeding off and on since...
water poopies and all...
so I am tired and need to sleep...
it has a tummy ache and cries most of the time, so we are hoping it all passes soon...
thinking he is plugged up...

his butt was so sore, but several baths and soaks, lotions and just keeping them apart is helping a lot...

butt suckers try to nurse on what ever they can find...
sometimes they are just suckers and pick an ear or neck, but then there are those that think the pee pee parts are nipples and suck those on the other babies...
which over stimulates them and causes diarrhea...
and the sucker gets sick from eating all the waste...
its a no win situation and the only way around it is to separate the litter until they are off the bottle and on solid food...
we let them play together, but not nest with anyone else...

so that's been the blur of the weekend and so far today...

praying for all of those in the path of Sandy, and it sure is a lot...
may you all be safe from the storm...

also wanted to welcome back NanaDiana, who has been away way too long...
can't wait to see all the photos of her grand kids again...


  1. Ok, you sure got me at that title, Tete! What cute little kitties! Hope they get better soon, sounds like they are keeping you more than busy!!

  2. Awww....poor little babies. I hope they all survive and get healthy.

    Thanks for the welcome back- SweetCheeks stories coming soon- xo Diana

  3. I never heard of that before; it is good you are there to help these little ones.
    Yes, prayers for the storm to head out to sea soon and not cause any more damage.

  4. Tete, I have never heard of that..I guess I am still learning, which is a good thing. It is sad about little animals. Smiles to you, Susie

  5. I've known about this, but never had any that were butt suckers. I can imagine it is not fun keeping them separated, and hearing them cry.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!