Friday, October 26, 2012

our resident nutcase...

he comes and goes from here...

and he is safe here from the cats...

we have a couple who will chase him...
roll him, literally...
until he gets to another tree...
so he can bark at them from a higher place...

he has been very busy here...
we have many walnut trees...
and he just cannot decide which pile to take first...
what we pick up, we put in a pile near the field for him...
he's got a good supply here...


  1. This is such a beautiful blog-so special. Thank you.

  2. Love your Nutcase, he is beautiful. I noticed our cats have been chasing the squirrels too. Our walnut trees didn't have a lot of nuts on it this year, so guess they are going acorn hunting.

  3. I love your nutty squirrels. They are almost a nutty as their owner! Thank you for being such a steadfast friend. What a blessing to have found you in Blogland- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!