Tuesday, October 23, 2012

critters and blooms and leaves...

up for adoption very soon...

but this one is staying...

and here are some leaves, which seem to be everywhere right now...

we have 2 days in the 80s and then another cold snap...

just got done with 2 days of rain...

so tomorrow is outside time...

been cleaning inside big time...

filling trash cans left and right...

swiping dust bunnies where they hide...

and taking a break every now and then just to watch the leaves fall...

Tori is still fighting hard...
immune system is gone...
more blood and platelets...
keep praying...
maybe a feed tube if she can't eat soon...

they are taking her foot the middle part of next month...
she is such a brave little girl...


  1. The kittens look great! I'm not surprised that one stole your heart and is a "foster failure." (smile) Your garden looks great too. Today is our last warm day at least for the next few, so I must get out to the shelter to walk the dogs. It's awfully muddy out there, but they don't mind. They still like to go for walks (and jump up on shelter volunteers with muddy paws!) lol

  2. I love that kitten's face, no wonder it is staying. I'm so mad at mine I could choke them. Turning wild, even with hand feeding. But the earlier batch, there is 2 of them, are all over me when I go out, and the only difference is the mothers.

    Praying for Tori, terrible thing for a young girl to deal with, but she seems to be handling things pretty well, considering.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!