Sunday, November 18, 2012

a sunny Sunday...

still have roses blooming...

despite the frosts in the mornings...

might even put some on the table for Thanksgiving...

sedum has the "fall" look to it and soon the snow will fly and cover it over...

Snuggles is out and about...
climbing trees, chasing leaves and bugs...

our plans for this next week are still in limbo...
should know more tomorrow after the phone call...
just ready to get this all done and over...

got some really good news about Zigs and Lazarus last night...
they have been at PetSmart in Mattoon for awhile...
and they have been adopted, by the same couple, so they will be together forever...
the only thing is is that these people are moving...
and I am going to kitty sit for anywhere from 2-4 weeks while they get moved...
and then they get their furever home for real...
they are signing the adoption papers tomorrow and paying all the fees...
so, just need to find out what they are going to name them and start using their new names so when they get to go home, they will know who they are...
if all goes well, they will be back here sometime tomorrow...
I had photos of the new babies last night, but they didn't come out...
little buggers moved too fast...
so I will try again today...

stay tuned for cuteness...


  1. "Furever home", I like that. I wonder what their new names will be? Have a week of great health news and Thanksgiving.

  2. Tete, Praying you get some really good news tomorrow. You are such a good hearted person. xo, Susie

  3. Tete I so love visiting you! Your heart is so kind to furry little friends. I wish I were able to take on a new kitten but I am not sure I could find one similar to my Boots. He was like a real friend to me! Always at my side when I was not feeling well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Hugs Anne

  4. I am so glad your babies got adopted, Tete! Now your heart can rest easy AND you get to enjoy them for a bit longer. It must be hard not to get attached though.

    Blessings...Hope you are feeling okay tonight and that things are okay at the drs. this coming week. xo Diana

  5. I'll be keeping you in my prayers all week long, Tete. It sounds like it's going to be kind of a roller-coaster one for you. ♥ God truly blessed you with a loving heart for those sweet furbabies. You're amazing....

    xoxo laurie

  6. Praying for you, that all turns out good, and you get your surgery soon.

    So happy those babies got adopted, and just think, you get to play with them a bit longer. Yeah, curtains may get a few claw marks in them, though.
    New babies?


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!