Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

may God bless and keep you and yours safe this holiday...
and may you find everything you need in the ones around your table...
thankfulness is catchy...
so spread it around...
I am thankful for many things...
and that includes you...

saw the cardiologist today and the initial check went great...
had to do an echo cardio thingy...
waiting on those results...
if that's good- I get that stinky old gall bladder out!

we didn't get anything done today...
so will be cooking all day tomorrow...
probably won't have time to get on here too much...
so have a great day and enjoy it...


  1. Hi Tete,

    I am so Thankful to hear that so far all is clear with Your Sweet Heart~ Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your Family!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, and get well soon Tete!

  3. Glad to hear all went well at the dr. today, Tete. have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. May you and your 3 guys have a great Thanksgiving. Hope you feel like eating.

  5. Tete- I was so glad to hear this wonderful news. By Christmas you should be as good as new---or even better.

    Blessings to you and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving- xo Diana

  6. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
    Hope all tests turn out great.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!