Friday, November 9, 2012

another update...

Surgery is set for the 21st...
gall bladder is coming out...
spent the whole day there seeing doctors and having tests done...
now, I am tired and sore and heading for bed...
thank you so much for remembering me in your prayers and for praying for the whole family, too...
will let you know how things go when the time comes, but I should be back to regular blogging tomorrow with some really cool stuff!


  1. Well, young lady...I'm glad that you are feeling better and happy to know that the nasty old gallbladder will be removed soon. I read about you at Diana's and wanted to pop by and say hello. We'll all be glad to know you are okay. And might I add- you are one tough lady to go thru the pain w/o meds. I have terrible reactions to drugs, too. It's scary when they cause more symptoms than they are helping!
    Be well, Tete.
    We'll keep praying for you and yours!
    xxx, Tina

  2. Hugs and continued prayers, have a great nap.

  3. Sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery, Tete! But I bet you will feel so much better once that gall bladder is out! Get some rest and let your guys wait on you:)

  4. God bless you, Tete. I am thinking about you tonight and praying for you. Hope they can do the easy surgery...xo Diana

  5. Tete, I have not kept up with the blogging world lately.... I am so glad they have found out that the gallbladder needs to come out... had that done several years back. It is not any fun when the attacks hit you...lots of pain and sickness...I pray the surgery goes well and you find the relief you need. Blessings!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!