Friday, November 9, 2012

ER update...

I want to thank you all for all the prayers going on my behalf...
as you can guess, they didn't keep me, which was ok by me, hate being there...
but we did get a blood test while this was going on...
and it showed very high liver counts, which I told them it was malfunctioning, so know they know for sure...
have to follow up with my doctor this morning...
I will call as soon as they open up...

this spell was the worst one yet and I hope there are no more...
but probably won't get that lucky...
I hope they xray my back and find out what's going on with the pinched nerves there...
I do not do good with meds and refused nausea meds in the ambulance...
which was a good thing...
because they gave them to me in the ER...
and my nurse was super great...
I asked for half a dose...
and she only gave me half with no problems with that...
before she got out of the room, I had an allergic reaction...
she had put it in the IV and my forearm started burning and turned a blotchy red so fast...
then it welted up, she hollered down the hall for the er doctor and he was right there...
I got a half a dose of benedryl for it...
there were more meds over there to be given, and I passed on the pain killers and told her I could handle it...
didn't want another reaction to anything else...

so no pain meds, and it eased up and BP and everything went back to normal...
could the blood and urine tests back, so they sent me home...

I came home, got sick again, had to hit the shower...
crawled into bed and was back up at 3am...
finally got some baked chicken down and some 7up...
so I am on my way back to bed...
will feed the babies on the way so we are on the same schedule...
I will let you know what the doctor says...



  1. I'm up checking on you, glad you are home, but don't like any of the rest. Praying.

  2. Hi Tete,
    I've been thinking of you and still praying. The reaction to the meds sounds awful. And scary! I'm glad you are back home and hope you get some rest and relief from the pain. Big hugs to you, too! Take care!

  3. I am happy to see your post here but unhappy that they still don't really know what is going on. You have been sick for way too long, Tete. We need to get you well so you can sashay you sassy butt all over blogland again! xo Diana

  4. Tete, I am so sorry you are ill. You really sound like you're having a rough time. Maybe it's gallbladder, and they can remove it and you'll be feeling much better. Praying for you. And, oh yes, I wanted to answer your question. Pine needles are acidic but not toxic. They make a nice mulch. However, I've noticed that often there isn't any grass growing under pine trees - perhaps it's due to the shade? I don't know, but I have mulched with it for 3 years and it has done well for me.

  5. I'm so sorry that you've had a rough patch recently. Hopefully your doctor today is able to help you out. I hate ERs too.

  6. So glad for you that you are back home, I hope you are feeling better, so sorry that you had to go to the ER.

  7. Oh Tete...I'm so sorry I missed your last post! I'm glad that you are feeling better and know that I continue to lift you up in prayer, sweetie. Take care and sending you a big hug. ♥

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!