Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Is A Child...

is a program I helped create a few years ago here in town...
a program that finds little arms for new toys at Christmas...
our goal: that no child wakes to nothing under the tree on Christmas morning...
this year, my son took over role as lead elf...
distribution is scheduled for the 1st and 2nd of December, with the deadline for donations on the 29th of this month...
donations are slow coming this year...
money is short...
it is christian based and done by faith...
we always have what we need, when we need it...
because a child does not need reality every minute of the day...
they still need to dream and wish and believe in something beyond their scope...
if you have a local program that gives a hand up during the holidays...
and you are able...
pitch in...
you never know what wish you may be granting...
what dream, fulfilled...
what cherished memory, made...
remember those children who have no food, warm clothing, toys from Santa...
God can always use earthbond angels to answer prayers...


  1. How good you helped start a local program. I participate in one in our area that serves all ages, even seniors living alone. Plus Operation Christmas Child / Samaritans Purse which reaches children worldwide.
    How cool your son is taking a big role in the organization.

  2. I hope the donations start coming in faster. You are such a good person to have started this and I am proud of Craig for stepping up to the plate. Blessings- xo Diana

  3. Bless your heart Tete. I would not want a kid to never have a gift. It has been close in my childhood. The salvation army brought us toys two years. Love those people. Hope you are felling good today. xo, Susie

  4. Bless you and your family for being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, Tete! It must be so much fun seeing the joy on those little faces!

    Didn't you have surgery this week? How did it go? How are you feeling?

    oxo laurie

  5. You are such a blessing to your community!
    We have a program called Angel Tree, which does something similar. You adopt an 'Angel' or a family of Angels, and get their list, and provide items.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!