Friday, November 30, 2012

more prayers are needed...

doing Christmas Is A Child, God has led me to many things and many people...
encouragingly brave, strong and soulful people...
who have been walking through their trials here below...
I want to share this one story with you...
a mother called me last week...
was it ok for her to come to get toys for her daughters?
oh, yes, I said...
a couple of others had mentioned her name to me...
she was born with her skull being too small...
the pressure is intense...
the pain...
she just got back home, to her mother's home, the first of the week...
surgery in Chicago...
to remove part of the skull and to work on the vertebra in her neck...
her boyfriend, by her side...
holding her hand, taking care of her...
yesterday afternoon, he was deer hunting...
he fell 15 foot out of the stand...
laid there for hours, but another hunter found him...
lifeline copter flew him out of there...
broke his back, ribs and wrist...
the doctor says he will never walk again...
there are several vertebra involved, in the T section, so that's lower...
there are surgeries to go through...
she cannot be by his side...
she is still recovering from her surgery...
she was supposed to meet us up there today to get gifts for her 2 girls...
I told her we will take care of it...
I have an elf who knows her and her kids...
she will do the picking for her...
she is a child of the king...
during her hospitalizations, she has been ministering to others...
she has fed the hungry from her own hospital tray, sending food down to those on the streets...
she is heart broken and weary...
she needs prayers for her healing and his...
and for peace in her soul...
for her tears are full of pain...
physical pain is one thing, but soul pain is so much more...
its the soul pain she needs prayer for the most...
she is trying to lean on Him...
she is learning to trust Him more and more as each day unfolds... 
He has great plans for this one...
there is a reason, its not in vain...
and God will see her through it all and bring her out the other side...
stronger, better and more faithful...
he is molding her...
to expand His kingdom...
prayers from us, lift up those who are crawling...
her name is Lori...
lift her up...
lift him up...
to Him the glory forever and ever, amen...


  1. Hi Tete,
    thanks for letting us know about Lori and her boyfriend. Wow, it sure seems that sometimes God gives people more than their share of a heavy load. But I know one day it will all make sense. Just not in this lifetime. Praying for them both, and for her girls, too.

  2. I think the old Devil is out to try and break her beliefs.
    Dear Lord, please keep Lori strong, and let her boyfriend show the doctors that God, not them, is in control, and he can do anything! Amen

  3. Tete, I will pray for Lori and her b.friend and family. You know all people have to do is look around...then they will know they are blessed, for other's are truly carrying burdans..xo, Susie

  4. Oh- Tete! Is it okay if I use this for my Sunday post? It is just heart wrenching. It makes me feel almost sick to my stomach. Blessings and prayers to all of them-xo Diana

  5. Oh Tete ..... even as you recuperate from your own surgery, your heart is with others. Love you so much for that, sweetie. Lori's story just broke my heart. Know that I will be keeping her, her boyfriend, and her children in my prayers - as you are. ♥

    xoxo laurie

  6. Thanks for sharing this story. My heart goes out to them. Sending love, prayers and peace.

  7. Praying for all involved. God bless and keep you.

  8. Hi Tete
    I hopped over from Diana's blog praying for all of these in such need. My heart broke as I too read Lori's story, so much healing needed here. Blessings to you and my heart full of prayers.

    Kate a Salvage Dior

  9. Prayers said for Lorie and her boyfriend. This story is so heartbreaking! Why do such bad things happen to suck nice people? But I guess it is not for us to ask, hard as it is. Prayers fro strength and keeping of faith. Hugs, Teresa

  10. Diana suggested we come here to read your post. I will pray for Lori, her children and her boyfriend. So sad. I hope things go better than expected for them both.

  11. Hi Tete, Diana is very good at sending people with prayers to those who are in need. Sending hugs and prayers to Lori, her boyfriend, and little girls. It is so hard at the holidays for things like this to happen. I cried when I read it because it brought back the memories of my nephew falling out of the tree deer hunting only he wasn't so lucky. He died leaving a wife and a 6 week old baby girl. God does work miracles that much I do know from my own life. Hugs and Prayers from a Missouri Friend

  12. My thoughts and prayers will be with these brave people hurting so much right now. Blessings on all who pitch in and help them.

  13. I saw Diana's prayer request and came right over. Please know that I am sending prayers and healing thoughts to these two who need them so much! Blessings and Hugs, Leena


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!